Chapter 76 - Popular

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Chapter 76 - Popular

Xian Mo Yu’s appearance instantly hyped up the atmosphere in the fragrance bar. Countless pairs of eyes fell on Xian Mo Yu. Scrupulous about the lethality of the black liquid, no one dared to come close, but they watched Xian Mo Yu from a distance and discussed excitedly with their companions. Many guests regained their senses from the surprise and quickly contacted their relatives and friends: "Come to Tian Ling Fragrance Bar! Xian Mo Yu is in the bar!"

Someone also wrote in their Boyan: "Oh my God, I saw the Grade S spiritual plant with my own eyes, and I only spent the price of a cup of fragrance. This is great!"

It is forbidden to take photos in the fragrance bar, but Boyan has a positioning function. So, people who saw the post soon understood which bar he/she is talking about.

Tian Ling Fragrance Bar has reopened, and Xian Mo Yu is out here in the bar!

This news quickly swept the Internet, and within half an hour, the upper and lower floors of the fragrance bar were full of people. Nalu smiled and walked to the door to put up a sign stating that they are currently ‘Full’. The guest who had just arrived at the door hurriedly took Nalu's hand and said, "Manager, please let me in. The bar won't be affected by adding one more person!"

Nalu pulled his hand away, "Sorry, in order to ensure a social environment for guests, we have a quota for the number of guests, so you cannot enter at the moment."

After Nalu returned to the main hall, the security guard is guarding at the door. Anyone who wanted to enter the door will receive a unanimous reply: "How many people come out, that is how many people can get in."

Of course, there are exceptions.

Lin Meng stared at the people lined up at the store entrance and kicked Xiào Rui's calf. Then he adjusted his collar with a blushing face, "I told you to come early!"

Grabbing Lin Meng’s hand, Xiào Rui helped him to adjust his collar to hide the red marks, "You can't blame me for this. You look so good today."

Lin Meng glared at Xiào Rui, "I was planning to join Ling Ling with the reopening!"

Xiào Rui squeezed his finger comfortingly, "Contact Su Ling, you should be able to enter through the back door."

The business is so good in the shop that all the staff wished that they could grow out ‘3 heads and 6 arms’ (to handle the orders). Su Ling and Xiao Bian are each responsible to make fragrance drinks for customers in different areas. A holographic screen is lit on Su Ling's right hand, which are the guests’ orders, arranged in chronological order. When he finished making a drink, he will tap on that order on the screen. A ‘Completed’ sign will appear in the upper right corner, and a small note will be printed, showing the location of the guest and the order. Then the holographic screen will automatically change to show the next order to be made. As for the waiters, they will come over upon receiving the message and bring the fragrance to the guest.

Su Ling has just completed an order and was about to continue when he received a call from Lin Meng. He opened the panel of the bar’s security system and remotely unlocked the back door. After the two came in, he closed the back door again and said, "Sorry, it’s very busy here. Come to the main hall."

Lin Meng: "It's okay. I saw a lot of people line up at the front door. You can go do your own thing, not need to take care of us."

Lin Meng and Xiào Rui arrived at the bar. Su Ling raised his head to say hello, and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

However, Lin Meng’s attention was all on Xian Mo Yu. Xian Mo Yu's roots were scattered in the air, and two of them fell from above the bar to Su Ling’s side. Staring at the roots, Lin Meng said, "We won't jump the queue, we will place the order ourselves." As he said that, he nudged Xiào Rui with his elbow, and Xiào Rui placed their order. Lin Meng tapped his fingers on the bar several times, and finally couldn't help asking Xian Mo Yu, "Can I touch your root[1]?"

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