Chapter 51 - Research Result

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Chapter 51 - Research Result

Ye Lei was about to call someone to hand over his shift when he saw Xian Mo Yu moving out. Shocked, he hurriedly turned on the night lights and contacted Su Ling, "Xian Mo Yu seems to want to go out."

Su Ling got up and walked to the window sill to look downstairs. At a glance, he saw the red petals at Room No.1's door. He replied, "I'll go down right away." He hung up the call and told Gu Liheng about the situation, then the two quickly went downstairs.

At this moment, a military car stopped at the entrance of the association. Doctor Ni An, and four soldiers in military uniforms got out of the car and quickly walked into the association area. They did not stop at the office building but continued to head towards the dormitory area. After they passed the main building, a black threadlike thing suddenly bounced in their path and stood in front of them. The leading soldier paused and quickly picked up his weapon, then stood in front of Ni An.

Under the help of the lights nearby, Ni An could see what is blocking in front of them. He quickly says, "Don't attack, it's Xian Mo Yu."

The four soldiers looked at the thin strip blocking in front of them and were stunned.

The root rushed to Ni An and swayed a bit in front of him. Then it fell to the ground limply, before straightened up and continued to head to the direction of the main building.

"Doctor Ni An, this...?"

Ni An: "One of Xian Mo Yu's roots, it can spray corrosive liquid from the front end. Don't worry, it's smart and won't attack indiscriminately."

One person looked at the roots and said, "It seems to want to go to the front? But it can't move."

Ni An: "It seems to be, but we'll know what happened after we asked."

The five people continued to move forward until they reached the dormitory area, but they were stopped by the gate at the entrance. Hence, Ni An dialled Su Ling's number.

When Su Ling went downstairs, Xian Mo Yu's entire flower had already come out of Room No.1. He ran over and asked, "Where are you going?"

Xian Mo Yu stretched out a root to wrap around his wrist. Then, many more roots sprang out to entangle his body and lifted him up. Just as Su Ling's feet left the ground, Gu Liheng quickly reached out to hug him, "Ling Ling!"

Su Ling turned his neck: slightly and said, "I'm fine, it meant no harm." He could feel Xian Mo Yu's emotions, with some eagerness in the joy, and has no intention to attack.

Seeing his calm expression, Gu Liheng breathed a sigh of relief but didn't let him go.

Xian Mo Yu's movements paused, and some roots sprang up again. This time, it entangled Gu Liheng, then quickly lifted the two and placed them directly on its stamens.

Ye Lei was taken aback. From the information he obtained, Xian Mo Yu's corrosive black liquid was collected from the stamens.

"Su Ling, President Gu!"

The roots loosed its hold after they placed Su Ling and Gu Liheng onto the stamen. Then it returned to the ground and continued to walk outside.

Su Ling was lying down when the roots placed him on the stamen. He quickly got up, it felt like he is stepping on a thick and soft carpet, and his feet were slightly sunken down. Once he stood up, his body swayed uncontrollably.

Gu Liheng has a much better sense of balance than Su Ling, so he reached out to hug him firmly, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Su Ling shook his head and turned around to shout at Ye Lei below, "We are all right." He was about to ask Xian Mo Yu what it wanted to do when his bracelet rang. When he saw the name of the caller, which is Doctor Ni An, he connected the call right away, "Hello? Yes, wait for a moment."

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