Chapter 66 - Identity

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Chapter 66 - Identity

Feeling an itchy feeling from his shoulder, Su Ling lightly shrank his shoulders and placed his hands around Gu Liheng's neck, "It doesn't hurt. You know, my body is easy to leave marks."

Gu Liheng's body was still stiff, so Su Ling took a step back and poked his cheek. With a smile, he said, "Relax, I'm fine." Then he paused, "You don't need to care about Gu An. He deliberately did that to agitate you."

Gu Liheng's tone was low, "Don't look at him."

Amused, Su Ling asked, "Why do I want to look at him? Could it be you are jealous? I have no interest in anyone other than you."

Hearing that, Gu Liheng's expression gradually eased. He reached out and hugged Su Ling, "Thank you."

Su Ling adjusted himself to a comfortable posture and asked, "Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for loving me," Gu Liheng said affectionately, "Being loved by you is the best thing I have ever encountered in my life."

The young man's straightforward and undisguised affection gave him stability and makes him obsessed.

Su Ling's eyebrows curved up as he said, "It's my greatest pleasure to meet you." Because of his mother's experience, Su Ling’s outlook on feelings is actually very pessimistic, but in his heart, he is a person who is very afraid of being alone. He once had the most perfect vision for the future when he met a responsible person, and the two would live happily together. But he found that his vision is too difficult to be done. It is difficult to live together happily even with a marriage guarantee, let alone a person like him without any guarantee. That’s why when he read the novel, he yearned for the world in the story. And the reason why he regarded Gu Liheng as his male god is because Gu Liheng is very reliable. In the beginning, he simply wanted to be with male god and have a stable relationship. But now, his mentality has changed a lot. Love is the reason why he wants to stay together with male god.

Gu Liheng sighed in his heart. His young man can talk better than him, and he is very lucky. If he hadn't met Su Ling, he might have stayed single all his life. He stroked the young man’s soft hair and said solemnly, "About Gu An, I'll take care of him. Don't take any actions by yourself."

"You can't break the law!" Su Ling said, "I have declared my stand to him. Hence, I need to teach him a lesson and make him see the consequences of scheming against me."

Gu Liheng: "The proper channels are enough to deal with him. I will make him see the consequences," he looked at Su Ling, "Don't contact him yourself."

Feeling amused, but seeing Gu Liheng with a serious face, Su Ling said, "Alright ‘vinegar jar’, I promised..."

Gu Liheng didn't refute the nickname but lowered his head to hide the coldness in his eyes. He is very familiar with Gu An. The way he(GA) looked at the young man, he is definitely interested in him(SL).


On his way home, Gu An received detailed background data of Su Ling from his subordinates. He looked through them one by one, and his eyes finally landed on Su Ling's photos. My father is right, Gu Liheng is really lucky! Then, the young man’s unkind expression appeared in his mind.

"Young master, we have arrived," the driver said.

Gu An glanced at the photo and got out of the car. He went to the study, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Gu Ming's voice came from inside.

"Father," Gu An walked into the study and greeted respectfully while forwarding Su Ling's information to Gu Ming. "His father is Su Ya, the president of Su's spiritual plant company. His mother is Qin Min, who has no relatives, and died when Su Ling was 2 years old. "

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