Chapter 41 - Indecisive

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Chapter 41 - Indecisive

Gu Liheng's body trembled, he couldn’t control the urge and placed his hand on Su Ling's waist. The touch under his palm makes his movements slightly sluggish. And his thoughts were pulling at each other in his head. His instinct wants to hug the young man tightly, but his logic wants to push him away.

Before he could move, Su Ling's lips withdrew a bit, and he whispered. "Don't move," he frowned in disgust and continued, "This wine doesn't taste as good as you, it’s terrible."

Gu Liheng's heart was beating extremely fast when a soft touch came from his forehead. He didn't want to resist at all when he knows that this feeling came from the young man. Even though he was in a susceptible period, he still felt happy inside.

Everyone was stunned by what happened. Lin Meng stopped hiding, and leaned against the sofa, looking dumbfounded. Meanwhile, Xiào Rui glanced around and saw him.

On the other hand, Su Ling’s kisses moved down from Gu Liheng’s forehead to his eyes. His eyelids were extremely sensitive. Suddenly returning to his senses, Gu Liheng quickly turned away, so Su Ling's lips lightly rubbed the end of his eye like a feather’s caress. His breath hitched, and he removed his hands from Su Ling’s waist. With a slightly hoarse voice, he said, "Tissue paper."

A faint smell of mellow red wine emanated from Gu Liheng, and Su Ling noticed that his(GLH) shoulders were tight and trembling. He(SL) frowned and felt a little annoyed at himself. His male god is too sensitive during the susceptibility period, and his(GLH) reaction at the moment is obvious that he is forcibly enduring the effect. Su Ling just wanted to take the opportunity to express his feelings with actions and make Zhao Qi retreat, but he didn't mean to make his male god uncomfortable. He obediently placed the tissue paper on Gu Liheng's hand, and Gu Liheng quickly wiped his face clean.

Su Ling took away his hand from Gu Liheng’s shoulder, and moved back, preparing to put his feet on the ground. However, before he managed to back away, he was pulled by Gu Liheng, "Glass shards, be careful of your feet."

Ye Shao came back to his senses and said, "I'll call the waiter right away." He rang the bell, and soon a waiter came to clean the mess.

Zhao Qi clenched his fists, glaring at Su Ling's back. How could this be? How can Gu Liheng be so good to Su Ling?! Why can he like Su Ling? Gu Liheng in his previous life was indifferent and never liked anyone. How could he like this person who should have died? His face was very ugly, and it suddenly occurred to him that the Xiao family has won the auction for Redthorn Ball’s fluid to treat the Old master Xiao. In Zhao Qi’s previous life, that old man fell into madness due to pheromone rejection illness and die shortly afterwards, causing the Xiao family to be in turmoil. And here he was planning on getting married to Gu Liheng as soon as possible so that he can take advantage of this time to attack the Xiao family!

Everything has changed, and these changes are because of Su Ling!

The more he thinks about it, the more flustered he became. Madam Gu shouldn’t be completely healed in his previous life. But now she is indeed healed. Moreover, Gu Liheng likes Su Ling. Can he(ZQ) still marry into the Gu family?

The waiter quickly cleaned up the dregs of the wine glass and retreated.

Gu Liheng let go of Su Ling's hand. But Su Ling noticed that the smell of red wine has become richer, so he did not immediately back away. He asked, "Do you have inhibitor? Or wanna take a bite at me?"

Although there was no change in Gu Liheng’s expression, his stiffened body couldn't deceive him(SL). Su Ling could see that male god is uncomfortable.

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