Chapter One

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I keep having this strange dream... of thousands of warriors in golden armor, rampaging through the streets of New York City. They run wild, murdering civilians with swords and bows that look like surprisingly advanced weaponry. Buildings are being destroyed, collapsing into the streets. Something that always takes the spotlight is the small group of people that aren't wearing golden armor. A group consisting of two reptilian looking creatures, a black man, and a skinny red creature about four feet tall. They have no faces, just smooth flesh that all seems to blur together as they battle against the hundreds of warriors rushing towards them, defeating many with incredible strength. The black man punches clean through a metal shield, he crushes skulls with his bare hands. One of the reptilian creature fires a large automatic rifle into the crowd of soldiers. Then the black man gets pinned down by several soldiers in golden armor. One holds a sword high up in the air.

"RRYAAAAN!" The man yells every time, right before he gets brutally executed, blood spraying everywhere.

Suddenly I awake in my bedroom, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. I've had this same dream every night for the past two weeks. I throw the covers over my legs and stand up, feeling a little light headed for a second. I walk over to the door and step out into the dark hallway. I close the door behind me and open the bathroom door which is the first door on the right from my bedroom. The stairway to downstairs is across the hall from the bathroom. The stair case is a light brown, polished pine wood with white railings. I flip the light switch and close the door, then lean against the counter and look at myself in the mirror. My skin is pale, and my long brown hair is matted down to my forehead from all the sweat, and my bright green eyes have a worried look in them. That is one of the strange thing about me, sometimes I look worried but I don't feel worried. I look at my hand that is resting on the white marble counter top and notice that it's trembling. I close my hand into a tight fist, trying to control it from shaking but it doesn't work. I turn the knob on the sink for the cold water and splash a couple handfuls on my face. It was refreshing and it woke me up, as I leaned over the sink and let water that was on my face drip down the drain I thought about my dream. Thousands and thousands of people, killed and killing. The strangest part of my dream was the people with the superhuman strength. That man punched right through a steel shield, him at the end of my dream screaming my name is what got to me. As I try to remember his face all that comes to mind is a blur. I don't know why it scared and bothered me so much, I know it's just a dream but every time I dream it I notice more detail, it seems so real.

I grab a white towel from the towel rack next to the sink and pat my face dry. I open the door, flip the switch off and step out into the hallway closing the door behind me.

"Having nightmares again?" Mother asks me from my right. I jump a little.

"Didn't see you there, yeah actually, I am." I say clenching my hands into fists.

"Oh, well I'm going back to bed. I just came out to see what the noise was. You should get some rest too, you don't look so good." Mother says as she feels my forehead with the back of her left hand.

"Actually, I think I'll stay up for a bit. My nerves are shot right now as you can see." I say as I show her my hands.

"Are you sure you don't want to see a therapist? Nightmares shouldn't be doing this to you." She says.

"Yeah I'm sure. I'll be fine, really." I say trying to convince her.

"Ok." Mom says, and then walks back to her room. It was dark in the hallway, the only light was the dim morning gloom coming from the two tall skinny windows on either side of the front door which was directly across the room from the bottom of the stairs. I turn right at the bottom of the stairs and walk into the living room, plop down on the brown leather couch and push the ON button on the remote to the flat screen TV. After watching television for almost twenty minutes I pass out. I was expecting to have the same dream, but I didn't. This one was a hundred and ten percent different.

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