Chapter Six

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I awake yelling in pain. I can't see anything because of a major migraine and being blinded by a bright ball of light floating above me. I try to get up but I'm being held down by two people while another person is doing something with a needle, it feels like they're just stabbing me and not really doing any good. As I struggle they keep poking me in many spots, making me bleed all over the table that i'm laying on. My vision is blurred once again and I can barely hear as well as feeling really dizzy.

"What's going on? Where am I?" I freak out. Suddenly somebody puts their hand on my face, suddenly I get really tired and black out, mostly from pain but something else was making me go to sleep, some sort of sedative.

I awake again and shout but stop when I notice i'm not on the table anymore. I'm laying on a bed, in a room that looks sort of like a hotel room. I have major pain in my torso and in my right arm, I lift up the blanket and see that my whole torso is bandaged with blood stains soaking through it and my right arm is in a sling. I lay there for a few minutes and stare at the ceiling, trying to remember what happened but can't. I have a pounding headache, again. I throw the blanket over my legs and slowly sit up, then swing my legs over the side of the bed. I'm only wearing boxers, I notice my red suede suit on the chair in front of me. I attempt to stand up but can't quite yet, so I sit there for a few more minutes.

I begin to slowly put my suit on, trying not to hurt myself anymore than I already am. It's really hard to put my suit on with one hand but I still manage.

"Hello?" I say as I Iook around. Nobody answers. "Dante? Dravon?" I say as I walk to my right, around a corner. There is nothing but a door and a mirror on the wall. I walk over to the mirror and see that my head also has a bandage on it too. "

What could have happened that caused me to get injured so badly?" I ask myself. I open the door, it leads to a hallway.

"Dravon!" I say, much louder this time.I hear a door open and look behind me. It's Dravon.

"Hey." he says. "Are you alright?" he asks.

"I'm ok, just in a lot of horrible pain." I reply as I drag myself to his door.

"Come in. I just need to get my shirt on." he says as he turns away. I notice that he has a long cut on his side about six inches long and held together with many stitches. I enter the room and see Dante relaxing on the bed with his hands resting under his head.

"Are you alright?" he asks as he sits up quickly when he spots me.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I say as I squint from the pain in my torso. I sit down on the edge of the bed, already tired from walking.

"What the hell happened?" I ask. "How did we get hurt?"

"You don't remember?" Dravon asks.

"No."I say.

"We were attacked by a demon on the way here. I had to carry you the whole way." Dravon says.

"Did you guys find Dante's mother?" I ask. They both went quiet.

"We found her but...." Dravon stops. "She's dead." I look at Dante but he is laying on his side with his back to us.

"Come on." Dravon says as he walks back out into the hallway. I follow him but Dante still laying there.

"He's taking it pretty hard." Dravon whispers.

"Dante you comin?" I ask.

"Yeah." he says. He jumps of the bed, walks over to us and jumps up on my left shoulder.

"Maybe you should hang with Dravon for a while." I say in a painful voice when he lands on me.

"Oh right. Sorry." he says then jumps onto Dravon.

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