Chapter Eight

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In my dream I appear at my house, at the bottom of the stairs. I look around and everything is just as I left it. It is dark and the house is the quietest i've ever heard it. Then, breaking the silence there is a scream and the sound of glass shattering upstairs. I race up the stairs, two steps at a time. So fast I almost fall forward on my face. I turn left and run about twenty feet into the dark hallway and burst through my mother's bedroom door. When the door flies open there is a demon in golden armour, directly in front of me. He is weilding a staff with a dagger at the end of it, a few feet from my face. There is a wall right next to me on my left, and a broken window with shattered glass all over the wooden floor behind the demon. Moonlight shines through the window frame, illuminating the whole room. My mothers bed is about ten feet to my right. My mother is passed out on the floor next to the bed with a patch of blood on the back of her head. I can still see her breathing but slowly. Suddenly two more demons in golden armour break through the other two windows in the room. Now all three windows are shattered. Then I look at my right arm, even though i'm in a dream it is still in it's demonic form. Suddenly time slows down almost fifty percent slower than usual, so far this dream is bizzare. The demons eyes glow red through the eye slits on his golden helmet. He swings his sharp staff towards me in slow motion. I duck, in slow motion and punch the demon in his stomach. He staggers backwards a bit but doesn't let the obvious pain bother him. He gets back into his combat stance and attempts to attack again. Right before the staff was about to strike me, time speeds up, back to normal again. The staff slices my face from my left cheekbone to the bottom of my chin. He swings again, I stand there for a moment and think to myself. This is only a dream, but my face is cut and it hurts like hell. I wipe my hand across my face, there's blood smeared all over the back of my hand.

"Damn it!" I say. I grab the staff in mid attack with my right hand before it hits me again. The demon tries to pull back but fails, I send a powerful kick into the middle of his chest and send him flying out the window. A moment later I hear the demons armour clatter against the sidewalk. Then take the staff and point it towards the other two demons, taunting them towards me. They jump over the bed, they both have a sword about two feet long and a sheild almost three feet in diameter. They run towards me and both swing at the same time. I hold my staff up horizontally, blocking both attacks and quickly spin 180, ending up behind the demon that was on my left. I slice at the back of his foot, permanantly disabling his left foot because I sliced his achilles tendon. He snarnles in a demonic way and falls down on his left knee. All of this happened so fast that the other demon just turned around. He tried bashing me with his golden sheild but I jump back. He then swings his sword which is in his right hand. While his arm is in mid air with his sword, I quickly swing my staff and slice his hand off. His hand drops to the floor, still gripping the sword tightly, the fingers on the severed hand twitch a bit. The demon screams in pain as he stumbles backwards into the wall, knocking over the nightstand and lamp that stood next to the bed. He slides down to the floor slowly, grasping his wrist tightly as blood continues to squirt. I turn my attention to the demon on one knee. I walk up behind him, and kick him down to the ground. I place my foot on his back so he can't move and cut upward into his skull. Every muscle in his body goes limp and he stops moving. He's dead. I look at the other guy and he his holding his right wrist as his head hangs down, he too doesn't move a muscle. I notice the lake of blood that surrounds him and I realize he's dead. Too much blood loss. I drop the staff and run over to my mother. I turn her over and lay a pillow under her head.

"Mom?" I say as I shake her. "Mom!" I yell. Her eyes begin to flutter open. Then suddenly my vision gets very blurry and begins to shake like an earthquake behind my eyeballs. Everything disappears, and something else reappears. It's the ceiling of Kasandra's bedroom.

"Ryan!" Kasandra yells as she is shaking my shoulder.

"Huh?" I ask, still half asleep. I begin to feel a sharp pain on my cheek, then a cold sensation with a lot of stinging.

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