Chapter Nine

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      Suddenly I awake, gasping for air. My lungs are screaming for oxygen.

"It's ok." Kasandra says as she sits me up against the wall. "Just breathe."

"Where... where is it?" I stutter as I look around.

"It's dead, calm down." she says. Sweat is pouring down my forehead, and my chest feels like it's caved in. I look behind Kasandra and the beast is laying on it's back with the sword in his heart, there are also multiple arrows stuck in him.

"I had to borrow your crossbow." she says. I just give her a look that says I don't care, as long as you killed it.

"It... it hurts... when I breathe." I mumble through the pain. Kasandra helps me to my feet.

"I'm fine, I can walk." I say. I stumble towards the beast as I hold an arm to my chest. I fall to my knees on the beasts chest. I hold my right arm back and smash my fist into his face. Then again, and again. Until you can't even tell that it is a face anymore. I sit there, out of breath. Kasandra helps me up off the demon.

"Feel better?" she asks as she chuckles. She holds my left arm over the back of her neck and wraps her right arm around my waist to hold me up. We walk over to the gate and inspect it. There is no way to pull the chain in the wall, the slit is too narrow. I notice that there is a hole next to the chain in the shape of a perfect circle.

"Is that..?" I don't even finish my sentence. We both look at the dead beast.

"Of course it is." Kasandra says. She walks back over to the beast and starts to saw off the horn with her sword.

            After five minutes she makes no progress.

"I think you might have to cut around it." I suggest. She just gives me a look of disgust. She stabs her sword into the mutilated face and carves around the horn. She rips it out like a stem of a pumpkin when you begin to take the guts out, at the base of the horn there are veins, muscles and flesh that dangle. She quickly runs over to the lock, eager to let go of it. She inserts it into the hole but it doesn't fit.

"Did I just do that for nothing?" Kasandra asks.

"Try twisting it." I say. "The horn is spiraled."

"Of course." She replies. SHe twists it into the wall like a screw. Then comes a loud clicking sound, the chains in the wall begin to slide down and the gate slides up.

"Good job." I compliment, then walk through the gate.


            "Shh." Kasandra hushes me. We are in a completely dark tunnel, or we were until we came to a corner. There is a bit of light coming from around the corner, and strange voices. Kasandra and I peep around the corner. There are two demons in golden armour blocking of the exit. They're talking in some kind of demon language. They have there backs to us . I'm guessing their job is to stop anybody from entering.

"You know how to play this one." Kasandra whispers. "I'll get the one on the left, we have to do it quickly and quietly. Then afterwards put on their armour."

"What! Are you crazy?" I whisper back.

"It's the easiest way to get around." she replies.

"Fine, let's go." I say as I walk around the corner in a crouch. We inch towards the guards as quietly as possible. We stop two feet behind them. I charge my demonic arm for a devastating blow first. Kasandra siganls the kill. As she does her job I rip off the demons helmet and cover his mouth with my left hand and drag him back to the corner. As soon as I turn the corner I throw him to the ground and smash his face in. He's dead instantly.

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