Chapter Ten

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    "Ahh!" I yell as I wake up. The first thing I do is stand up and quickly rip off my black burned coat that used to be nice red suede.

"Are you alright?" the familiar deep demonic voice says. I look over and Dante is sitting on a boulder with one of his knees up and the other leg dangling, his left arm resting on his left knee and his other arm supporting him. I don't reply, I just pant for a few moments.

"Are we... are we dead?" I ask.

"Far from it." he replies. "Look around." I do as he insists. Many odd trees, brown leaves, green bark. Lots of pure white bushes, and odd little creatures in the trees. One looks similar to a squirral except the fur is white, it has long fangs pointing down and four eyes. Two in their normal place and the other two on each side of it's head.

"Creepy." I say. Suddenly the creature looks at me and snarles at me, then runs away in the forest. I turn around and see a small pond and run over to it.

"Oh, thank god." I say as I lay my arms in the water. It wasn't exactly water though, the liquid is orange instead of blue. I look into the water and see my reflection. Dirty skin, a little dark from all of the burning that was happening. Suddenly my reflection grows four more eyes with a total of six, then sprouts fangs and smiles at me.

"What the..?" I say, more confused than I've ever been in my life.

"Watch out." Dante says casaully. Out of nowhere somethings lunges out of the orange water, trying to bite my face in mid-air. I jump backwards and swing my demonic arm at it at the same time. It goes flyings and yelps like a dog. It is like a fish, it has eight legs on the bottom, a sharp tail, six eyes, fangs, and orangs scales. It finally rights itself on it's eight legs after flopping on the ground for a minute like a fish and runs back into the water.

"What... the hell... was that!" I yell, scared out of my mind as my heart races.

"Whatever you did.." Dante says. "I think you created a portal to a third world."

"What?" I say.

"That takes some real talent, nobody has ever done that." he replies.

"Are you not freaked out by any of this right now?" I ask as I lay down, panting from the scare of my life.

"Look at me." Dante says. "I am a freak."

"No your not.." I say as I stand up. "Your my friend."

"Nice try, but you can't deny that I'm not." Dante says as he leaps off the rock and onto my left shoulder as I walk by. He sits down on my shoulder with his legs dangling on my chest, he folds his wings into his back. As I walk past many trees with bright green bark I look at my demonic arm, the rocky surface has turned into a pure white color and the veins are pulsing red. I look down at my shirtless torso and notice that my wound is no longer there, just a scar.

"Dante, how long was I out?" I ask.

"Can't say. I woke up shortly before you." he replies.

"Well, either I was knocked out long enough for my wound to heal or whatever Dollie did worked." I say. "I doubt it was Dollie though because he was only trying to heal me for a few seconds." We come to a stop at a small cliff, I look down. It goes down about  two hundred feet until it is stopped by  blue grass that trails off into another part of the forest. I look up, the sky is a light green and cloudless. All of the trees in the forest that goes as far as the eye can see have green bark, some have brown leaves, others have black, others white. The sunset in the distance is a teal color.

"What's that?" Dante asks.

"What's what?" I ask.

"That." he says pointing northeast, off the cliff. Or atleast northeast in the direction that we are looking. I hold up my hand just above my eyes to block the sunset so I can see what Dante is talking about. In distance, maybe a mile or two is what look like a pyrimid, a temple surrounded by many other structures that look like buildings.

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