Chapter Eleven

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        After explaining everything from the point of meeting Dravon it has been an hour after explaining every little thing, but what he is most interested in is my demonic arm.

            “Could you come over here so I can take a look?” he asks. I walk over to him and sit in the chair beside him, resting my white ash arm on the marble table. He runs his fingers down the large, rough, white rocky plates. He feels and inspects my hand; my finger tips are now jagged points, somehow still able to bend my fingers. I touch the rocky surface of my arm with my other hand and get a tingling sensation in my fingertips.

“This is magnificent!” he says happily, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Thanks… I’m sorry but I didn’t catch your name.” I say, he never did give his name through the hour conversation we had.

“My apologies, I am Mordok.” He says.

“Ryan.” I say as I shake his reptilian hand. “This is Dante.” I say as I point to the little winged dragon that is dangling his legs over the table. Dante just looks at Mordok and puffs a cloud of gray smoke out from his nostrils and goes back to staring at anything besides us.

“So where did you say you found this shard?” Mordok asks, going back to the part when the shard was stuck in my hand, long before my arm transformed.

“It was given to me when I was just a little boy. I remember a man giving it to me after I was playing with a girl in the sandbox. The girl was with this man, not too long ago I realized that the girl was my sister, Kasandra. Although I still don’t know who the man is.” I explain. Mordok looks over to the entry flap of the tent and notices that it’s night already.

“Oh, I’ve gotten so caught up in your story I didn’t bother to keep track of the time.” He says as he stands up and pushes in his chair. “Follow me, I will show you two where you will be staying.” He says as we walk out of the tent.

            As we exit the large green tent the first thing I notice is the night sky. It is a very dark night sky, almost like a purple. There are large rivers of light blue gases that roam the night sky, curving and twisting. The shimmering blue currents of gas in the sky almost look like liquid. The cool night air is clean and refreshing to my lungs, this air is the cleanest that I’ve ever inhaled. So clean it cools my lungs, giving them a minty sensation.

            There are now few people in the market, about ten or so. Just a few hours ago there was a couple hundred. In some kiosks there are steam coming out from pipes that leads up, out from the roof. Those ones would be the kiosks frying parts of alien creatures for the few aliens that are waiting.

“This way.” Mordok says as he leads us to the right and up several steps. At the top there is a wall of homes for the more fortunate aliens in this town. On the other side of the temple there are many homes and neighborhoods in worse condition. I would guess around three hundred homes for the more unfortunate half the town.

            Mordok takes a left at the top of the staircase and stops us at the house of the next corner. These houses are strange, they are made of a kind of material that has the strength of cement, the appearance of cement but the texture of mud.

“Here we are.” He says as he pulls a key out from his robe like outfit and insert it into the door. The door is wooden and there is one round window on the front of the house, and another round window on the right side of the house and the left side and back side is the dividing walls to other homes.

            He pushes the door open, revealing what looks like a living room lit by multiple candles on the wall that are in a glass tube. Dante walks in, making himself at home by lying down on the couch that looks very comfortable. Mordok stop me as he pulls out a cloth sack tied close by a piece of rope. He places it in my hand.

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