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(just look at mikey helping people reduce the flood)😉

*beep* *beep* *beep* BOOM

"yawn..good morning sun...wait i cannot see...oh my hair haha.."

yup im l/n y/n but people in the school always calling me ghost cuz 1 my hair 2 my face lets make it simple im ugly

"mom im going to school now"
"yes be careful my daughter"

actually i dont like when people calling me 'ghost' but yea i dont wanna make a fight scene on the school so yup just keep quiet ..im lonely my life so sad


"did you know our school have a ghost"
"ehh for real?! where where"
"yesterday i see in the girl toilet she really scared!"
"oh my god i hop-" this two girl conversation got cut off by y/n

"good morning and please dont stand in the corridors thank you" she say with smile but the two look scared cuz she smile like ghost in the horror movie

"AAAGGGHHH GHOST" the two run away leave y/n behind with disappointed face

"i dont know why god hate me so much"

"kenchin lets go we going to be late to school you know"
"that's your fault waiting for the doriyaki rather then late to school you dumb"

"you two stand outside again ughh can you two like one day dont be late" the teacher say cannot take anymore cuz this two always late

"sorry madam" they standing outside for hour then mikey have an idea yup yup stupid idea actually

"kenchin lets-" before he finish his sentence draken cut him off
"im not even finish but i want go around school pleasee"
"you go alone then i waiting here"
"tsk okay then dont be disappointed okay bye byee" mikey say and draken just sigh look at his friend stupidness

"well where im going to stay hmm im sleepy right now..oh libaryy!" he say out loud people around him look at him weirdly but he dont care

"aggh finally" he take a deep breathing
"i like libary when i getting sleepy"
he walk around the libary looking for table far away so the libary teacher dont see him when he looking where to sleep suddenly he see a girl sleeping nearly window her hair fly to back make her face can see clearly

"woah....she so...beautiful.." he say admirer her face then he walk to y/n direction and sit down beside her

"well maybe because im getting sleepy i see someone pretty..well if not dream...i want..her" he say slowly lay his head down to the table


"well that's best nap ever" she mumbled scratching her body then looking at the sunset for minute after admirer the sun she look beside her...

"eh..why this guy sleep here?..hmm maybe this place good for sleep then" she say looking at the blonde sleeping peacefully she want to wake him up but mehh leave him

"hmm but he might be getting cold.." she look at mikey then she just warp her jacket around mikey back

"yoshh..bye bye then" she say leave mikey behind


"ugghh...oh..oh my god its already dark!!!" he say with his panic face

"ah! call kenchin!" he take his phone from his pocket after he take his phone he feel some thing fall from his back

"hhmm? who's jacket is this?.." he look at the f/c jacket then he remember the girl earlier

"ohh that pretty girll is jacket..wait i dont know who she is?! wait more important i want to get out from here" he dail his friend to pick him up and waiting for someone

"you stupid i know this going to be happen now here you are" draken punch his head

"ouch thats hurt!!" mikey say fake crying make draken more annoying

"ohh you see did you know a girl with a long h/c and pretty face girl? she warp her jacket on me so im not getting cold she so kind and pretty too!!" mikey say while eating his dorayaki

"never seen a girl with long h/c before" draken say
"hmm then tomorrow lets find her!!"

"im homee! emma i want food"
"why you so late dummy"
"i sleep at libary" he say go to kitchen searching food for his stomach

"oh emma did you know a girl with long h/c with pretty face?" he say while eating his food
"hmm you see i even dont have a friend in the school.....so i dont know" emma say look down she feel sad no one want to be her friend cuz her family problem
"hmm i see..."


"okay class just that better you finish you homework"
"finally...i can eat.." i mumbled and go out first dont wanna scared anyone
after i buy everthing for me  i go to the rooftop yes main character rest place

"haaa...this place really quite and peac-" before i finish my sentence i hear a girl voice?? behind there?? i want to know what happen so let me sneaks peek then i see three girl surrounded a someone

"hey give me your money im hungry" the one girl say maybe she is the leader
"i dont have a money..."the another girl say poor her let me record they voice
"tsk lie must be your granpa give you extra money right? cuz haha your adopted so they have to treat you kindly right?" okay this crossing the fucking line let me

"hey whats your problem with her?" this three girl i want to kick they pretty ass
"huh and whats your problem?"
"my problem is you are your mom dont give you money pff poor you~~you have a mothe but she dont give you money oh my are you mom treat you kindly?!" oh someone getting angry

"what you say?!!" the one bullie girl come towards me she nearly want to punch my face but i take her hand and slap her......not really hard

"i say are your mom dont give your money?" i say look at another girl pff they all look scared
"i-i tell you to principal you ugly!!!"

"hhmm you tell then i dont care cuz you pretty voice is on my phone hehe" i say smiling evily at the three girl btw the girl that got bullied is behind me so she dont see it

"let me tell you this..if you bullied people again i give this to principal okay?" i say finally they uugghh i dont eat my food cuz this shit

"umm thank you for saving me!" the girl say bow make me feel bad
"h-hey dont bow i just dont like people bullied a weak one" okay why her eyes sparkled like she seen her idol??

"whats your name? you so pretty and cooll!!"
"umm y/n, l/n y/n and im not pretty"
"my name sano emma lets be friend!" she say
wait wahh..i have friend now mother!

"okay then"



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