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flamin hot cheetos⏪⏮⏸⏭⏩_____

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flamin hot cheetos

she have a dinner with sano family 2 month ago she become more close with them especially granpa this two always talking each another like a old friend, shinichiro always show her his motorcycle, baji and draken always training with her sometime mikey brought his another friend and introduced them to her, emma and mikey she cannot take this two childish attitude especially mikey he clingy as fuck that day when she sleep over cuz emma say so


"well why they join us to emma?" i say pointing at this three guy
"why cannot we?"
"this is girl sleep over stupid"
"aww but i want to join!! can i y/n-chinn??" he say with his cute face..well i cannot say no with something cute and im sleepy right now
"hhmm just dont be loud i want to sleep-"
"eh no no no we have to do my routine night before we sleep you say yesterday 'do anything you want atleast you be happy' so yup i dont wanna hear no" why i say that yesterday uugghh

"wahh y/n are you really not taking care of your face? your face really soft" emma say applies the mask on my face btw the trio join us too
"i dont but my mom always do this in the weekend" yup i want to say no to my mother but she say what you choose push up 100time or use this masker so of course i pick this
"okay done lets go watch moviee!"

"we watch horror movie we see who is the scared one "
"heh not me" mikey say while eating popcorn
"same here" baji say tie his hair
"i dont know" lastly draken now they look at me
"umm i just want to sleep"
"okay then lets pick this onee!!"

well emma pick a movie that full of jump scares make baji, emma and mikey screaming draken just flinch while me i want to drink some water so i tell emma i go to the kitchen
"uugghh i cannot sleep cuz that three"


after she drink her water she go to the living room btw she not tie her hair so yup😃 she on the way go to living room and want to sit beside emma but mikey scream make another scream too
"AAAAGGGGHHH EMMA BESIDE YOU A REAL GHOST AAAGGGHH" he screaming make granpa and shiniciro wake up and go to down stairs
"what happen?!!" granpa say while shinichiro open the light and see mikey hug baji that look like want to collapse and emma draken already dying
"huh....ohh this me sorry i forget to tie my hair ehe" she say
"dont scream like that again mikey" granpa punch him on the head
"uugghh y/n next time tie your hair okay?" granpa say pat her head
"yes sir"
"now you all go to sleep"
"i want to sleep beside y/n" mikey say make y/n nearly fall
"eh no no i wa-"before emma finish her sentence mikey whisper something to her make emma blushing really hard
"this is your change sleep beside ken-chin yes yes?" this what his whispers at emma
"o-okay then y/n you beside me and mikey you beside y/n and baji...oh he already asleep maybe he collapsed because mikey and sleep" after arrange everthing they start to sleep while y/n she blushing really hard cuz mikey hugging her

"ney ney y/n-chin.." is he talk sleep?
"you so beautiful...." right now y/n still loading and cannot breathing properly
"mom i think this guy take my heart away" she mumbled


the sleepover is two day ago now...its school time uugghh i dont know who created school but i hate you so much i hope you hear it

"yoo y/n good morningg" like always emma we walking together to our locker change shoes and go to class like always school really boring


"hey mikey...are you perhaps like y/n?" draken ask look at his friend
"hmm yea must be love at the first sight cuz..she really beautiful first time i meet her same as now  andd when i hear people call her ghost cuz her hair her face really sad but she dont show it that one reason i love her and another reason...hmm love dont have reason right draken?" well draken feel like he talking to another person not mikey childish friend
"wait are you sick?! why you talking like you're old man?! are world going to end?!"
"hey at least let me talking like an adult" mikey say with his pout face
"im going to libary again and sleep do you want to join me?"
"no i dont wanna skip class"
"well then bye byee"


this class boring as fuck please someone help me i want to sleep but this madam have a four eyes
"oh its mikey" i mumbled then we make a eyes contact
'hey help me get out from here' i look at him blink my eyes suddenly he nod....well at least he understands
he knock on the door
"hello madam can i call l/n?"
"why" madam ask back oh my god what he going to answer
"teacher wen call her for something"
"hmm okay then l/n go" make me sigh

"you have to buy me dorayaki for this" mikey say beisde me yup you two have a same high im sorry if you tall im 170 but dont make mikey embarrassing thank you

"hmm just dont ask me to buy all dorayaki im poor btw where are you going are not you have a class"
"i feel boring so im going to libary"
"ahh lest go then i want to sleep too"
finally they arrived and sit where they sleep before
"aagghh this place so peaceful" y/n say scratching her body tie her hair to high bun and sit down before she sleep she have to read book first till she feel boring when she start reading mikey just stand there and look at her make her uncomfortable

"mikey why not you sit down and stop looking at my face"
"well..." he sit down beside her still looking at her face
"i want to look at your face first then i can go to sleep" he say lay his head down looking at her blusing face
"stop looking at my ugly face stupid just go to sleep already " she say use the book to hide her tomato face but the book got taken away from her
"you are pretty and if you say your face ugly again i might be kiss you right here and right now" he say smiling they face so close make they nose touching while y/n dying from blusing make mikey laugh

"well lets go sleep" he say lay his head down to her lap this girl nearly die cuz him well she getting sleepy too so they sleep together again in the libary

"school not that bad"



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