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uchiage hanabi-cover by kobasolo(i tell you where we going to start thesong cha!)⏪⏮⏸⏭⏩__

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uchiage hanabi-cover by kobasolo
(i tell you where we going to start the
song cha!)

"woah is she a new student?"
"i never seen her before..she so pretty"
"well i can be gay for her"
help i feel embarrassing like always i want go to school but today is different they all look at me but i feel anxiety here please dont look at me!!!
"y/n wait for me!!" sob sob...emmaa thank you for come to my life
"woah are you okay?!"
"no cuz they all watching me"
"well then now im here lets go!" she say while holding my hand

"wait i hear that girl say y/n...is she that ghost?"
"yeahh!! woah she change her hair style"
"well if she single i want to-" mikey pop out from no where whisper at that guy ear
"she is mine you like her cuz she change her appearance thats why you alone" he say draken follow behind him
"do you understand?" he ask the guy nod and run away
"Y/N-CHHIINNN!!!!" he scream she look behind see mikey run toward her make her panic before he jump draken pull his collar
"hey let go i want to hug her!!" mikey give up just look at y/n with sad face
"y/n-chin~~" he say finally draken let go his collar
"ehem mikey dont jump like that you might be injured" she say walking again to school mikey go to her side while the another walk behind


"hey christmas is near" mikey say while eating his food
"so?" emma say
"sooo we have to celebrate" mikey say draken and y/n just listen what ever they say
"of course you three must help granpa and shini make a christmas tree" y/n say they all look at her
"are not you join us?"
"then who going to celebrate with my mother?"
"oh yeahh why not ask her join us?"
"hmm let me think then"
"oh mikey you already meet her mother?" draken ask cuz mikey dont tell this story
"yeah i take care of her" he say
"oh so her mother okay with you two"
"yup she even go visit my father and tell him" y/n say and this three look each another
'you lucky mikey got a good lady' the two couple eye mikey he just smile then lay his head down to y/n lap and sleep before the bell ring


"well guys soon Christmas is come i only give you a little home work better do it after school holiday if you not finish it stand up at the middle of the field" madam say they all nod
"well thats it merry christmas guys" finally she get out they all ready to go home

"lets go y/n!!"
"yeah...yawn...i want to sleep lets go homee"

(start the song here heree)

"im home!" she say and close the door but no response from her mother
"mother!!!!" she scream so maybe her mom out from no where while hold knife
"well maybe she go out" she say yawn ready go to upstairs but someone out from the bathroom make her hand move to they face but they block it with they hand
"woahh!! you getting strong now" they say...eh from the voice its like a guy the guy peek a little and look at her
"welcome home" y/n widen her eyes
"wait are you real?"
"stupid of course im" he say hit her head lightly
suddenly she hug him
"actually im the one have to say welcome home brother" she say hugging her brother as know as l/n kotaru

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