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chocolate-chanmina(she is my second fav singer😌)⏪⏮⏸⏭⏩___

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(she is my second fav singer😌)

this two not telling anyone what happen yesterday they act like nothing happen but emma so clever

-this morning-

"yaaah!! mikey you lie to me if you say nothing happen yesterday what is this" she check the cctv at the park yup mikey and y/n kneeling in front of her
"wait why im here again?" y/n ask she hurry go to sano house cuz emma calling her they have emergency so she even cannot shower and just call the taxis and go to her house
"because you two not telling me what happen yesterday aaiiggoo"

"how did you know we lying"
"good question mikey because.." she pull y/n face and point at her jaw
"this girl right here have a wound when i see it? i see it when i video call with her last night" well this two got caught
"so for you punishment you have to buy something for me at grocery store" emma say take something from the table beside her btw this two still knee down

"here this is list what you have to buy okay"emma say y/n take the list from her she thought its short but when she stand up the paper become long make the two look pale
"good luck don't miss anything cuz this ingredient for chocolate okay? do you understand or nah?"
"yes maam"

-right now-

they go to grocery shopping and buy what ever emma write on the list mikey just follow what ever y/n say
"take that trolley mikey" mikey just obey
"well where should we go first?"y/n say look at mikey then mikey look her
"your the one who hold the list so i just follow you" he say shrugged

"oh and dont walk to fast you might be lost" she say joking make mikey pout like a kid
"hmm! im not kid" he say but she just ignore it and start what in the list
"then first milk one box and then flour take three mikey...then egg" mikey just take what ever she say but something caught his eyes
"ney ney y/n-chin lets go there" he point at the dorayaki
"no mikey we have to finish this"
"no" she say leave mikey behind
'im sorry mikey! emma more scared!!' she say in head

mikey behind her helping push the trolley while y/n take ever-thing she want she really busy looking at the list make her bumped with someone
"oh my god im sorry im sorry!" she apologized to the guy in front of her
"where did your fucking eye-" his word got cut off as soon as he saw mikey glaring at him behind her
'you finish your sentence i kill you' what his eyes mean make that guy run away

"well that weird btw lets go continue" she say
after they done buy all the ingredients they go to the counter to pay the grocery
"mr since you purchased more that 100$ we have some free item for you" the cashier said and pointed at the freebies

mikey went looking at the freebies thinking what should he choose. this guy took almost 10 minute to figure it out y/n just wait for him
"umm mr i think you should take that bracelet for you girlfriend" the cashier suggested. her face getting red after heard the word 'girlfriend'
(the bracelet at the below💗)

"ah...yes my girlfriend" mikey say and took the bracelet
"thank you buddy" he thanks the cashier like his old friend and the cashier just thumb up look at him
"no problem bro"

then mikey went to her and put the bracelet around her wrist
"well my GIRLFRIEND look pretty as always" after he say that mikey take all the grocery to his bike meanwhile y/n feel dizzy maybe cuz the list emma give early make her dizzy


"we are homee!!"
"welcome back you two" granpa say helping them a little
"emma here!! this so heavy...uugghh i feel like dying" she say go to living room and sit down at the sofa same as mikey
"hey! are not you promise helping me?"
"no i cannot take anymore i cannot feel my leg right now so you do it first and im sleep here today" she say with her sleepy face mikey beside her already asleep
"hey take a shower first you stink" shinichiro say pat they head
"uugghh hello shini-san...oh and umm who is that" she immediately stand up dont wanna be rude to guest

"oh this is my friend this sleepy face is imaushi wakasa and the big guy one is keizo arashi but you can call him benkei"
"nice to meet you imaushi-san and benkei-san my name is l/n y/n" she say bow a little
"nice to meet you too y/n-chan and please dont be so polite just be comfortable" benkei say pat her head while she just look at benkei
'i-i-i want to hug him!!! he look like a big teddy bear!!!!aaaggghhhhh!!!!' she scream in her head
"t-then i go shower now bye" she say go to upstairs
"well benkei-san if i can kidnap you and make you my pillow" she mumbled then go to shower after that she change to emma is shirt
"but why this shirt so big? is this draken shirt?? but she is the one pick it" she dont care then go to down stairs

"oh y/n! btw mikey shirt look good on you" after emma say that mikey turn around look at her up down then blushing
"well emma not wrong tho" he say go to upstairs take a shower
"uugghh why head hurt" she pinched her eyes cannot believe this two team up
"well if you done make your choco let me use the kitchen" she say take the apron and tie it around her waist and get ready make a many choco cuz she going to give mikey friend, shini friend, emma, her brother and mother well she dont know when her brother come back but who care if he dont come she's the one gonna eat it then

"lets go make a chocolate!"


just pick whatever you want💗

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just pick whatever you want💗

just pick whatever you want💗

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