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love maze-bts⏪⏮⏸⏭⏩____

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love maze-bts

"emma help i-I don't know what to wear" this guy first time in his life wake up early and panic in the morning
"yawn...aahh just pick what ever as long you feel comfortable and thank you for wake me up im going to down stairs and cook" after ahe say that wear what ever he want as long he feel comfortable so he pick brown hoodie and dark green jeans with his converse
(the picture at the below💗)
after he pick what he wear he go to down stairs and go to kitchen meanwhile emma, granpa same as his brother speechless see him

"wow..are you really mikey?!" shinichiro ask
"of course im the only one mikey here?"
"where are you going" his granpa ask
"date" this time his granpa and his brother choke on there food
"WHAT?! with who?!"
"wow are you two together?"
"no...not yet"
"well good luck then...uggh why im still single" shinichiro say with his sad face...well shinichiro why dont you pick me?

"okay mikey after you eat go get her"
"yesh yesh" he say with his mouth full


"well im going now bye"
"be careful and take care my y/n i kick you ass if she hurt" emma say to me huuff! im strong and i can protect her then i ride my motorcycle and pick y/n-chin up aahh...i feel nervous now
after i ride for 15minute finally im in front her house let me just call her

"hello y/n-chin where are you?"
"wait im going now wait for me!" oh well lets wait for

she dont take to long to get out....but who the fuck she is?!
"sorry i make you wait"
"oh its ok-EHH!! y/n-chin is that you!" well the girl that i like have a very long hair but now its short...make her more pretty..uugghh my heart
"mikey are you okay?!"
"no just my poor heart cannot take anymore"
"a-ahh wh-what i gonna do" she say with her panic face well she really cute i want to hug her!! ah..now i realise her outfit she wear light brown hooded jacket and black jeans she really the only girl captured my eyess!!!
(the picture at the below💗)

"then lets go on the datee!"
"ahaha yes yes lets go" wait...she hold my hand ma gawwddddd


well after the chaotic this two couple go to cafe cat
"whoa they so cutee lets go in" y/n say she hide her excited face but mikey see it in her eyes sparkled like she seen her fav candy
after she admirer everthing they sit down this cafe not really full just two or three people
they order what ever they order some cat come toward y/n and sit on her lap meanwhile mikey glared at the cat

'thats should be me you dummy cat!!' he say in his head and that cat make a eye contact with him he see the cat let out his tongue make mikey more angry thats why no cat get near him cuz the animal scared look at him
"ney mikey after this where are we going?" y/n ask his eyes from glaring to soften really quick and smile look at her

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