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try again-jaehyun⏪⏮⏸⏭⏩___

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try again-jaehyun

"heeww~~uugghh finally im done packing this"
"well good morning y/n-chan and happy valentines day!" emma say hugging her
"happy valentine to you too emma btw where is mikey"
"oh he already left dont know where he's going but let me help you give this choco to them"
"okay let me change first" after she taking shower she change to casual outfit what ever you want and go to down stairs but the problem is
"hey y/n so who going to pick us up" emma ask look at her suddenly she hit her head at the wall make emma panic
"uugghh i forget..."
"oh you two still here"
"yes granpa...oh is there any motorcycle there left"
"oh yes shinichiro own that...dont say you going to ride it?" granpa say look at her she just smiling

"i dont know you can ride but...CANNOT YOU SLOW DOWN I KNOW WE FRIENDS TILL WE DIE BUT NOT THIS EARLY" emma screaming while hugging her meanwhile y/n ignore her and enjoy actually it take 10 minute to arrive here but when y/n ride the motorcycle its only take 5 minute
"uugghh i-i cannot i dont wanna aagghh" emma faint make y/n worry she just carry her and enter the boxing training

"ah! y/n-chan welcome and..what happen to emma?!" shinichiro ask take his little sister
"oh she?..ehehe i use your motorcycle cuz no one can pick us up so yup i drive it even i dont have a lesson" shinichiro just sigh already know she can ride
"oh y/n-chan what are you doing here?" wakasa ask benkei behind him
"oh yes here happy valentine day you three" she say give the box each of them they tear up make y/n panic
"wh-why are you crying?! is something wrong with the box?!"
"no no thank you for this i thought i never get one" shinichiro say pat her head same as wakasa while benkei hug her
'finally i can hug this teddy bear kyaaa i want to kidna-shut up' she slap her self

"okay then you three i leave emma here i go now bye bye" she bit goodbye to the trio and go to next destination

"haa i dont know i arrived this fast" she say open her helmets and go to the shrine
"helloo guys"
"ah y/n here here" chifuyu say pat a empty sit beside him
"sorry for make you wait for me"
"yes you make us wait for one year here" baji say
"oh sorry baji i forget your chocolate sorry no choco for today" she say smiling while baji knee down and apologized makr another laugh
"oh guy do you perhaps seen Mikey??" they all look each another...no they like talking use they eyes

'you tell her' draken eye chifuyu
'no you' chifuyu look at draken
'why me?! your the one say you going to explain to her' chifuyu look up and down at draken
'im agree with kazutora this all mikey fault' baji roll his eyes while y/n that watching them weirdly

"we dont know he didn't even pick his phone up" mitsuya say out from no where make another sigh look at y/n
"okay then i get going now and happy valentine guys" she bit goodbye to them after she leave they finally can breathing properly
"uugghh its hard to acting" mitsuya say take the choco she give earlier they all start to eat
"well i hope mikey success there"
"yup hope he doesn't fuck up"


"where the hell is mikey" this make me stress cuz evertime i ask they all say 'i dont know' like that uuggghhh let just go home then searching for him later
"mom im homee!"
"welcome home wow you so early today"
"i want to give you this happy valentine btw" i say and go to kitchen drink some water and go back to living room see my mom look at the box that i have to give mikey
"so is this boy reject you" my mom ask look at me dead in the eyes
"noo just i dont found him that's why i come here and find him later"
"okay then but if he reject you tell mom...i going to cut his dindong" mom mumbled but i still hear it but i pretend not to then i feel my phone oh! someone call its..mikey uugghh this guy finally!

[yoo y/n-chin]
"where the hell are you this day?"
[oh sorry sorry but can you come here i give you location]
"uugghh what ever just give me the location and meet"
[okay byeee!] mikey end the call then i look at my mother

"umm im gonna go meet you later bye mom"
"yeah be careful and tell me if he reject you"


she seen the location mikey give
"well is this...park?? what he doing there all day" she ride the bike yup she still use it
after take 4 minute to there finally she's here
"well lets just walk from here" she mumbled and walking where the location say to her
then she arrived at the big tree she see mikey
"ah! mikeyy!" she run toward mikey that finally look at her with his usual smile
"what are you doing here all day you make me worry dummy" she hit his head lightly
"well thats hurt but thank you for worried now should we?" he say take y/n is hand
"where-" before she hit mikey she see at the back tree have a carpet with full of food make her eyes shine bright like a star
"emma call me that you busy give them chocolate make you forget you dont eat at all today so here let's spend your free time with me" he say pull y/n to sit down beside him

"ohh that's why they didn't tell me where you are..." she say start eating
"ehehe but thanks to them i successfully brought you here"
"and you so pretty" he say while eating look at her
"wow where did you get this boldness mikey hmm"
"same as you" they teased each another and laugh
"well thats fun ah! yes here your chocolate" y/n say take the box beside her and give it to him
"woahh!! this look taste" he say open the box and see chocolate that look like dorayaki mikey look at y/n that smiling
"this so delicious"

"aaww let me tell you this i really like you from the beginning please marry mee!!!" he say hugging her right now she blushing like tomatoes
"wait marry is to much mikey..but yes i like you too" she say hug him back
"lets tidy this and throw all the trash" she say get up and throw the trash at the rubbish bin
of course mikey help her too

"finally we donee" she say
"then lets go home i sent you" mikey say but she stop him
"i use shini motorcycle so..yup"
"ohh then goodbye i love youu" mikey say pull her into tight hug
"hey hey i love you too i dont wanna die cuz of your hug" she say pat mikey back really hard
"okay okay! stop it ishh.." he say pouting
"then i go now byee"
she arrived at her house
"mom im home" she say
"oh! y/n how is it?" her mom ask the while she hold the knife make y/n scream
"mom dont out from no where like that aiiggoo" she say hand on her chest feel her heart if okay or not
"oh sorry sorry so?"
"ohh he say he like me"
"aaww thats cute he really make a good decision if not i might be cut him" her mom say  she just sigh then walk to upstairs but her mom stop her
"wait....you're bleeding..."

HAHAHAHA idk just continue read this shit😭

-pika-HAHAHAHA idk just continue read this shit😭

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