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promise-jimin(im not bts fans but they song just👍🏻)⏪⏮⏸⏭⏩_____

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(im not bts fans but they song just👍🏻)

"y/n i think mikey like you" she nearly choke on her food but emma immediately give her water
"are you crazy? with me? bruh no girl thats not gonna happen" she say eating her food again
"but dont you realise that he always clingy towards you and always ask 'y/n-chin lets have a date' that guy really like you!"

"ahaha thats must be your illusion emma lets finish then and go to class" she say change the topic well she right mikey always asking that and they go to mall together and play at arcade or eat at the restaurant some old lady or old man tell them that they look good together and they just look away blushing like stupid people

"mother..." y/n ask her head on the table and look at the window
"yes daughter?"
"how you and father feel in love" this question make her mother almost spit her drink speechless and look at her daughter
"are you really my daughter? why are you suddenly asking this??"
"i just curious" she say shrugged

"well then when i was young my hair just like you really long and mother always alone and then i sleep behind the school cuz that place is the only safe place to sleep at the same time you father go there and see me sleep there he tell me he feel in love at the first sight when he look at my face....haha your father good at flirting tho and there mother start to love your father but i dont tell him cuz to many girl want your father too so i just keep quiet but one day your father confess to me and ask me to marry him i ask him why he pick me 'love dont have a reason and you are the one that i think about all day' like that he say" her mother say drink her tea after tell her love story while her daughter admirer her mother

"wow that's so beautiful story!!"
"i know right so do you perhaps have crush hmm?" well she fuck up
"umm ehee not really" she say sweat drop when her mother look at her
"if you don't want to tell me it's okay" her mother say make her relief
"but im going to ask again" she just smiling but inside she dying
"yes mother and when brother going home?"
"he say around christmas..aigo that brat always busy"
"but mum he's the one pay our house" y/n mumbled but her mother still hear what she say
"shut up"


yes i still thinking about my mother love story
' i sleep behind the school cuz that place is the only safe place to sleep at the same time your father go there and see me sleep there he tell me he feel in love at the first sight when he look at my face haha' that's like me and mikey but love at the first sight not in the topic but the sleep one....uugghhh i admit that i like that guy


"mikey when are you going to tell her?" emma ask look at his brother busy eating his dorayaki well mikey feeling become bigger he start loving her when they sleepover yes he actually awake but he didn't hear y/n mumbled cuz he really sleepy when he feel her warm

"hmm i want to tell her but..what if she reject me?!"
"uughh you dont even try yet here you say she going to reject you" emma say sigh cuz this two scared to tell they each other feeling after thinking for minute finally emma have an idea
"go on date with her"
"i always asking that dummy"
"yes i know but you two always go to arcade or restaurant right nothing more so let me set up everything you just do what ever you can okay?"
"hmm okay then"


like always after class this two go to rooftop and rest there,chit chatting and everthing
"i want to ask this from the first time we meet but i forget now let me ask why not you cut your hair?? but if something its okay don't answer it!"

"well my father want my hair getting long..before he die" she say while drink her what ever she drink but she spit it cuz emma hit her back
"i say dont say it if something make you sad stupid!!"
"aiishh!! that hurt!" they fighting till the bell ring


"y/n today im not going home with you today cuz i have something to do"
"wait are they still bullying you?"
"ehh no this one is real im going to scream if something bad happen so byee" jeez this girl i hope that something not something dangerous tho well lets go home i want to sleep oh and cutting hair?...i want to cut my hair but ask mom first then home wait for mee!

"y/n-chiinn hey hey stooopp!!!" uugghh home please wait for me (what a dummy the house not go anywhere unless he has leg)

"yes mikey?"
"lets go on the date tomorrow 2pm yes or yes my lady?"
'my lady' 'my lady' 'my lady' AAGGHH STOP

"yes of course im going to wait for you at the same my place "
"okay then oh! and let me led you to your house"
"ah thats okay! i can take care of myself you can go now" after i say that mikey make a sad face well

"im just joking ehehe l-lest go then" mom i dont know why my weakness is cute thing
"ehehe lets go!!"

"lets buy some dorayaki and i still remember you say buy me dorayaki" well shit why the hell he remember that
"uugghh just dont buy  all the dorayaki in the store "
"okay okay"


"thank you bye then"
"bye and dont foget tomorrow"
"yeah yeah bye my love" she say she feel tired so she dont know what she say mean while mikey stand there proses what she just say then he blushing sit down at the ground
"aagghh what did you do to my poor heart"
(well i dont like this line but i got force)

"mom im home!"
"oh hey daughter do you want to eat"
"i cannot say no cuz you already cook it let me change first" after she shower and change her school uniform to her fav pajamas she go to down stairs and help her mother get the food ready after that they sit down then talking a little

"mom can i..cut my hair" she say make her mother choke on her food she immediately give her water water
"well why you want to cut your hair?"
"umm i just want to..i know father dont wanna me cut my hair but i feel uncomfortable and this hair getting more longer" she say look down and play with her hand

"well cut your hair then" her mom say calmly eating her food make y/n look at her mother
"but after you cut it put put the hair in this box..."her mother finish eating and stand up take the box and give it to her daughter

"good night then i really want to sleep" her mother yawn then go to upstairs
"good night too mother" she say smiling and  tidy up the table then go to sleep and tomorrow she going out with mikey with her new appearance



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