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(idk what song to play in this situation and please use pantene😉)

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(idk what song to play in this situation and please use pantene😉)

after that incident emma more and more clingy to me but i dont care cuz she is my first friend
and she actually same class with me but i dont see her in class...hmm maybe she always got bullies before she meet me....people that bullied her that day still bullying people but im not going to report them but if they cross them line again...i have to push up 100 time infront  my mom and make a food for my brother for 1 month if he come home from another country cuz her daughter or his lil sister make a scene fight at school

"y/n-chaaannnn catch mee!!!" this girl so childish
"hey dont jump like that if i cannot catch you you might be injured you know"
"but you catch me hehe oh and today im not going with you after school cuz something urgent hehe" she say...hmm she look sus
"what's that urgent hmm?"
"umm nothing oh and if you not busy next day night come eat in my house"
"okay then i cannot say no right"

-after school-

this make me worried asf
emma dont come in the class from beginning till end school now im going to searching her around the school still not found her

"tsk this girl she even dont pick her phone" i call her many time she still dont pick up
i search at libary, toilet, gym and everywhere still no her sight...maybe she feel sick and go straight home right? yes lets just go home

"hahaha i thought you going to run away and tell you ugly friend" wait i think i hear this voice before but where
"hey boy here the girl i say do anything to her" i peek a little i see...emma...well i want to punch them but i dont have proof if i dont take video so yup
"ehee~~she so pretty do anything right?~~dont worry girl i be gentle~~" wait he want to touch emma?!

"well mom brother im sorry i have to save my friend"


before he touch emma someone kick that pervert guy
"emma why you dont tell me you going to have fun hmm" y/n say cracked her finger
"y/n!!" she say a little tear on her face make y/n piss and look at the girl that shaking
"you three let me teach you fucking brain how to respect people should we?" she say with her cold face a guy that she punch early stand up behind her want to punch her but she turn around and kick his stomach make him want to throw up she dont stop she kick him on the face and pull his hair
"hey boy better you say sorry before i throw you to horny jail"
"i-im sorry!!" he say but that sorry not make y/n stop

after she drink some tea with the three girl and that guy she go to emma that look everthing what she done
"do you still want to be my friend? after you look everthing?"
"of course! you save my life" emma crying and hug her
"i dont know what happen if you dont come here wahhhh"
"well you have to go home now you granpa must be worry sick"
"thank you very much y/n tomorrow night lets eat at my house okay"
"i think i cannot cuz this four i going to sent them to principal of course they not going to let me go so maybe next time?" she feel bad actually but she not lie tho cuz she punch this stupid really hard
"hmm okay then stay safe y/n byeeee" after emma gone she turn around and look at the four head
"okay you four lets go to school back before night come i want to sleep early but you bullshit make me sleep late" she say pull the rope yes she tie this four so they not run away

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