Part 1 - Trial and Error

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Okay, so I just re - watched the first episode of Loki and realised that to room that confirms your not a robot is before the ticket room but I put the ticket room first by accident so let's just pretend they are the other way around for the purpose of this book okay?


After giving up her ticket, Absantine found her self in another room standing in front of a machine that looked quite like a metal detector.

"Please confirm that you are not a robotic being, that you were born an organic creature and do in fact possess what many cultures call a soul" stated the man before her, not once looking up from his clip board as he spoke.

"Posses a soul?" Repeated Absantine, the man simply looked back at her with a bored expression.

"Please move ahead ma'am" he instructed, she took a step forward but quickly retreated when the machine buzzed.

The man sighed while the widow cautiously inspected the contraption.

"What would happen if I was a robot?" She questioned "the machine would melt you from the inside out, please move ahead" he drawled.

"Okay, it's just a machine, let's go" the whispered under her breath as some form of reassurance.

She squeezed her eyes shut and quickly stepped forward and with a flash of light she opened them to find her self completely fine on the other side.

Two minute men came through the door s and grabbed her roughly by her arms and began to walk out the door and through another set of large doors.


The new room seemed to be some kind of court room with a desk at the top.

The woman sitting at the desk banged her hammer, the plate stated that her name was judge Ravonna Renslayer.

"Romanova" she said looking down at the file in front of her "standard sequence violation 657384 (idk I made that up).

She looked up at Absantine "how do you plea?" The now prisoner took the opportunity to glance around the room.

There was two minute men were still tightly clutching her arms while two more now stood behind her all holding up the glowing sticks menacingly.

There was rows of benches on either side of the aisle, mostly empty save for one man.

The man caught Absantines eye immediately, he had grey hair and a moustache of the same colour, he wore a plain shirt a tie and looked exhausted, not exhausted as though he had done something tiring, no more like somebody who had been stuck in the same mind numbingly boring rut his entire life.

Which, now that she thought about it, he probably had been.

"Romanova" the judges sharp voice snapped her attention back to the woman in front of her.

Absantine desperately wanted to correct the name but decided not to waste her breath, instead saving it for more important questions, like where the fuck she was.

"Are you guilty or not?" Demanded Ravonna "of what?" Exclaimed the widow throwing up her hands in exasperation "I don't know what your charging me with, I don't know where I am, and I have no idea what's going on!"

"We are charging you with a standard sequence violation 657384, you are at the time variance authority, and you are about to tell me if you are guilty or innocent of escaping the avengers grasps!" Retorted Renslayer, she was beginning to lose her cool demeanor.

Absantine raised an eyebrow and leaned forward placing her cuffed hands on the podium before her.

"What's it to you if I escaped?" She hissed at the judge who looked as though she was ready to fully punch the russian woman at this stage.

Ravonna closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her self and was about to speak again when the grey haired man stood up.

"Can I...." he trailed off, gesturing to Ravonna she nodded "approach the bench" she said and he walked up to her.

"What are you doing" she hissed at him while he looked up at her, unlike the last time that they spoke in these circumstances mobius did not wear an amused smirk, instead he looked desperate.

"I need her to catch the two Loki variants" he told her bluntly while she stared at him in disbelief "you can't be serious mobius" "I am, deadly, look Ravonna, she's perfect, she plays the exact same role in the timeline as Loki".

The Judge glanced over at Absantine who was watching the scene unfold intensely.

She turned her attention back to mobius before speaking again "the last variant I let you bring in ran away" "yeah but he proved useful didn't he? He figured out where the other variant was hiding!" Retorted the agent.

Ravonna glanced tirelessly between the agent and the variant before sighing "I swear to the timekeppers mobius if you lose her - " "i won't, I won't I swear, thank you!"

The Agent turned around around and whispered something to the minute men while Renslayer spoke to Absantine "we have decided not to prune you as you prove useful, you can keep your life, for now".

"You're too kind" spat the widow as mobius lead her out of the room.

The man lead her to an elevator where they stood in silence as it by passed floor after floor before Absantine decided to break the silence.

"Where are we going?" She asked him, half expecting him to ignore her "somewhere to talk" he replied "why" persisted the woman already sick of his half - assed answers "because I was to talk" repeated the Mobius now wearing a mischievous smirk on his face.

It took all her will power not to roll her eyes there and then instead choosing to save her energy for more important things.

"Why talk? Why not just kill me or imprison me already?" "Because like Judge Renslayer said, we need you" at this point she gave up on politeness and full on snorted.


Chapter two!
Also I finished this at 2:30 in the morning so sorry if the last few paragraphs have some spelling mistakes.

- Madeline.

Words: 1031

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