Part 2 - Her Tortured Past

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^ that song reminds me of yelena for some reason.



As soon as the words left her mouth the elevator doors opened and mobius stepped out, Absantine followed but immediately stopped, entranced by the view.

"Pretty sweet isn't it?" Commented the agent while the woman looked on in disbelief "it doesn't look real" "well I promise it is, and so is all the paperwork let's go" he began to walk again and after a moment's hesitation, she followed him.

They came to a stop outside a set of double doors with two minute men standing guard outside.

They guards opened the doors to reveal a large room with a table in the centre holding a projector - like instrument.

The two entered and the agent sat down gesturing to the widow to do the same.

He placed a tape inside the projector and a picture appeared on the screen.

It showed Absantine inside her cell looking out at the Avengers.

"What is the point of this, I was there, I know what happened, and I presume you do to" sighed the Assassin "I want to get a better insight on you " replied the agent.

"So" he continued turning to face the woman "you killed the winter soldier to avenge yourself, you then escaped, they caught up with you again and you escaped" he stopped looking at her expectantly for a reaction "what does it matter to you, to the 'tva'" exclaimed the widow throwing up her hands in exasperation.

"See that's the thing Absantine, you weren't supposed to escape, the Avengers were supposed to catch you"

He fast forwarded the clip showing Absantine in restraints on the jet back from Switzerland "they bring you to shield " the clip changes to Absantine being led down a hall wearing a blue straight jacket "and" he paused a speed up the clip again to show  Natasha standing over a grave "you die a young woman when shield is infiltrated, and hydra kills you".

Absantine breath in sharply "I- I don't believe you, why do you get to decide my life?" "It's not your life Absantine, it never was, your sole purpose on the timeline is to push your sister towards greatness, your just her sob story" "no - " "her tortured past" he finished.

"No - " the assassin shook her head "no, I'm more than that, I have my own story, MY OWN LIFE" the TVA agent smiled at her sympathetically "no Absantine, your don't" "what is this, some sort of, of psychological torture? Some sick and twisted way of breaking me down to do your bidding, is that it?"

Mobius just sat there watching her spiral, with a slight amused look on his face "you don't believe me?" he asked calmly "okay" he reached over and replaced the file with a different one which he speed forward to the very last scene on it.

The clip began with Natasha, Absantine took a sharp intake of air when she realized who's file this was.

There scene continues.

Natasha: we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead.

Clint: Then I guess we both know who it's got to be.

Natahsa:  I guess we do.

Clint: I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha.

Natasha:  For the last five years I've been trying to do one thing, get to right here. That's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back.

Clint: Oh, don't you get all decent on me now.

Natasha: What, you think I want to do it? I'm trying to save your life, you idiot.

Clint:Yeah, well, I don't want you to, how's that? Natasha, you know what I've done. You know what I've become.

Natasha: Well, I don't judge people on their worst mistakes.

Clint: Maybe you should.

Natasha: You didn't.

Clint: You're a pain in my ass, you know that?

[they lean their heads together] 

Clint: Okay. You win.
[he suddenly throws her down]  Tell my family I love them.

Natasha: [she pushes him off and tasers him]  Tell them yourself

Abby gasps and puts her hand up to her mouth, she did not like the direction this was headed

[She runs to the edge but clint knocks her down first and jumps]

Absantine sighs slightly in relief, she felt slightly bad after but she couldn't help but be glad that it wasn't Natasha who jumped.

Her relief was quickly cut short.

[Natasha runs and jumps after him, she does some shit with a wire I didn't see properly]

"No" whispers Absantine

[Clint is now hanging from the wire holding Natasha's hand]

Clint: [sees she's secured him to the cliff]  Damn you!

Natasha: Let me go.

Clint: No. Please don't.

Natasha: [softly]  It's okay.

[She kicks off from the cliff, breaking his hold on her hand] 

"No, tasha" the woman's voice cracks slightly when she speaks. "No no no no" she shakes her head in denial

"I'm sorry" consoles mobius "no" said the widow, louder this time "no, your lying this isn't true, this can't be real"

"I'm sorry, it is"

Absantine stands up abruptly "Where is she, this isn't, Natasha wouldn't just, I don't believe you" she continues in her denial.

"Look, you died before this, but now that you disrupted the timeline, its unpredictable, everything that was written has been erased" began mobius "You remember Loki?" She nodded "we arrested a 2012 version of him but he got away and I want your help to find him" he finished.

Absantine raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him as she sat back down "why bring in another 'variant' as you call us, when you lost your first one?" She questioned, mobius thought for a moment "I - don't have a good answer for that" "right, and why me?" "Becuase you and him play the exact same role on the timeline, your both born to cause pain, and suffering and to be the lesser sibling -"

"Okay, I get" she interrupted.

"Point is, you can understand him better than I do, so will you help us?" Mobius asked.

"What's the alternative?"


"Yeah, okay sure I'll help"

"Great, let's get started".


I actually spell checked this one so it should be okay, plus I didn't write it at 3 am like all the others.

Have a nice day/night and I guess I'll see you next week.

- Madeline

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