Part 13 - My own Perspective

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"Don't move" I whispered into her ear.

I gazed forward at the man who has about to kill me and the realization hit me that no matter how hard I tried to redeem myself, I would always be the villain of the story from his point of view.

My own perspective was irrelevant.

He released the safety on the gun and pointed it directly at my forehead. Nobody saw. Nobody noticed. I watched him prepare to end my life and I was the only one who knew what was coming.

Ironic really.

I could hear Natasha frantically asking me why I was restricting her movement, but I didn't reply. I simply hugged her tighter and hoped that when my blood would spill on her hands it would not haunt her.

The blue eyes stared at me. Cold. Empty. But still a swirl of emotion at the same time. Regret. Shame. Guilt. Pain. Agony. A man desperate for revenge, even if he k we it would follow him for the rest of his days. I couldn't help but respect that. I know the feeling.

His finger hovered on the trigger. Hesitation. "I'm sorry Natasha" I breathed out as a last resort as some sort of closure. His hesitation ceased and he let his finger fall on the trigger.

A searing pain cut through my and then there was nothing but darkness.

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