Part 7 - Start Again

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Absanthie looked up to see Loki fall bloddy and disheveled through a time door. One look told her what had happened.

They ran to the libary and saw Mobius talking to B - 15.

"It's done, Mobius. We made a terrible mistake." Breathed Loki "What's done?" A confused Mobius asked "We freed the Timeline. We found him beyond the storm. A Citadel at the End of Time." Said Absantine "He's terrifying. He planned everything. He's seen everything. He knows everything. It's complicated. Okay? Right. But someone is coming. Countless different versions of a very dangerous person. And they're all set on war. We need to prepare." Exclaimed Loki.

"Take it easy. You're analyst's, right? What division are you from?" Asked Mobius "What?" Whispered Absantine "What are you talking about?" "Who are you?" Asked B -15  "What's your name? Boots on the ground now. Archives. Who are you?".

Loki glanced at Absantine, she snatched B -15s tempad out of her hand and both of them ran for their lives.

They skidded to a halt at a dead end with several minute men on their tale. Absantine opened a time door and they jumped through.

They fell out onto a soft blanket off snow. "Where are we" inquired Loki Absantine pocketed the tempad and looked around her, her eyes landing a large building in the distance.



The Avengers wandered aimlessly around the compound, snowed in and unfortunately due to that weather they were restricted to the building.

Peter had come over to help Tony in the lab having only met the rest of the team a few months prior but already like family to them.

The had long since finished in the lab and was now sorting through files Fury had asked Tony to organise weeks ago.

One mission in particular caught the young boys eye and he pulled out the file and began to flick through it.

"Hey, Mr. Stark, who's Absantine?" As soon as the words left his mouth the room fell into eerie silence.

Steve visibly tensed and Natasha looked down sadly at her hands while Bruce shifted in the uncomfortable silence.

After a moment the super soilder cleared his throat and sat up straighter "we um....... we don't talk about her kid" he said as though it would explain everything.

Peter realised it was a touchy subject but he was invested now, besides it couldn't hurt to push a little further right?

"Why, what did she do?" He asked "she's a bad person who killed a good man for her own selfish reasons" snapped Steve, his tone bitter.

Tony was just about to scold Steve for snapping at the kid when a bone chilling voice cut through the room

"And here I thought we got along Captain". The group all snapped their attention to the door in unison to see Absantine leaning carelessly against the door with Loki standing behind her wearing his signature smirk.

Everyone stood up quickly reaching for their respective weapons, except Bruce, who attempted to hide behind Clint who entered the room and precisely the wrong time, and of course Tony who decided that now would be a good time to point out the fugitive to peter.

"You see kid that's the girl caps got beef with -" "Tony" said Bruce sternly "what I'm educating him on the drama" "now is not a good time when there is a wanted killer" "a wanted killer who is right here thank you very much" interrupted Absantine drawing the attention back to her.

"What do you want?" Demanded Steve "always so cold" murmured the widow "Absantine" reminded Loki nudging her forward.

"Yeah," she pushed her self off the doorway and began to walk forward "don't take another step" demanded the captain "alright sheesh, I'm not going to hurt you, okay?" She said  "that's not how it turned out last time" retorted Steve "well your all standing aren't you?" The woman insisted "bucky isn't" came the replie.

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