Part 10 - Something Stupid

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The next mission however, proved much harder. This time Absantines group found themselves in a version of the time variance authority that was all too familiar. And it was havok.

They stepped out into the archives and immediately split up once they realised exactly which TVA they had arrived in. Tony refused to leave peter and Mobius went with them seeing as they had a very limited experience with the organisation.

The moment they left down one corridor, Loki and Absantine began to head in the opposite direction, figuring that the time Keepers chamber would be a good place to start.

They headed towards the elevators, having to knock out two guards to enter them. Once inside they were faced with yet another awkward elevator ride.

"So, we probably could've handled our entrance better" joked Loki referring to their arrival at the compound. "Yeah" chuckled Absantine.

They stood in silence for another moment before Loki spoke again "how many more do you think there is? Kang variants I mean" "I don't know" admitted the woman "hopefully not many" "yeah".

"What happens afterwards" She asked "What do you mean" "Once all this is over, what will happen to us, I mean I'm a fugitive and Sylvie, well if we find her, she has no home" "she can come with me -" "Loki" intrupted Absantine softly "she's not from this universe, this timeline, she can't stay".

"I know, I know" his voice was strained "I just, I don't want to believe it, I don't want to believe that she would do what she did to me" he whispered. Absantine watched the broken god silently. She knew how much it but when someone you love betrays you, it hurts ten times more because they were the last person you ever expected to do it.

"But she's a loki" he continued, a forced smile on his face "I guess betrayal is in our nature" "no it's not" the woman whispered. Loki simply shrugged "I've had a hard time believing that lately" he responded.

The elevator dinged and the golden doors opened.

The room was not full of dramatic fog like the other two they had been to, instead this one had a simple wooden desk situated at the top of the room with TVA posters littered all around the room, miss minutes staring our of the majority.

They prepared their weapons and glanced around the room but it was empty. Absantine turned to the God at her side "so should we" she gestured at the desk "um yeah, I guess" agreed the man. The two warily approached the desk and began going through the files on it.

The sounds of footsteps quickly a alerted them of an oncoming threat and they both jumped into defensive positions. A man exited a side door and didn't seem to notice them at first.

When he eventually looked up from the paper he was holding he did not seem at all fazed by the two people standing in his office. He simply gestured towards the two sets in front of his desk. "Well don't just stand there, have a seat" he said. The two variants glanced at each other before warily pulling out chairs.

"Honestly, I thought I was going to have to come after you two first, considering my variant kind of messed that up" he laughed slightly at his own weak attempt at humour. "Wait, your, your not our Kang variant" questioned Loki "nope" replied Kang, popping the 'P'.

"So do you guys want tea or - " "we don't have time for this intrupted the widow. She pulled out a dagger and lunged for the man. She missed by inches due to the dictators quick reflexes and drove the knife into his arm. "Woah" yelled Kang "what was that" he pulled the knife out of his arm "I have been nothing but nice to you guys!"

The woman simply growled in response and lunged for him again but the man hit a large button on his desk causing her to freeze "what was that" "what was what" "the button you just pressed, what was it" "security". Absantine pulled back from the desk as Loki grabbed her arm. They then proceeded to bolt out of the doors and down the corridor with several minute men on their tail.

They ran back in the direction of the archives and ducked behind a shelf. "What do we do" hissed Loki. Absantine neglected to reply immediately, instead glancing out to the large area where the guards had gathered beside the railings that looked out onto the large statue of Kang.

"I have an idea" she began "but it's a little bit..... dangerous" "dangerous?" The god repeated with an eyebrow raise. The assassin simply shrugged in response. She ran out towards the railing "Absantine" Loki yelled frantically following her. She spun around as the minute men neared them. "Your just going to have to trust me, can you do that?" She asked "your the least trustworthy person I know" he responded. Absantine rolled her eyes "can you or not".

After a moments hesitation, he nodded "okay.... okay I trust you". "Great! My plan is to jump" "TO JUMP". Absantine pulled out her gun and shot one of the minute men in the knees. He collapsed on all fours and she ran, jumping on his back she swung over the railing and leapt into the air. Loki, left with no choice followed and repeated her actions.

They fell to the ground, landing in an not - so - graceful heap. Jumping to her feet, Absantine was faced with some confrontation. "WHAT WAS THAT" exclaimed Loki "listen" began the woman "I took calculated risk -" "you can't do math" snapped Loki before she could finish "heh yeah".

Before the argument could continue however, Tony, Mobius and Peter came rushing up "no put that doesn't matter anymore" rushed Loki before throwing a glare at his female allie "someone did something stupid and now even more people are trying to kill us, we have to leave.

Mobius hastily pulled out his tempad and opened the door back to the compound. When they spilled out into the common room all the others were waiting "What took you so long?" Asked Clint "something went wrong, we didn't get him" Tony answered. Steve yelled out in frustration and slammed his hand down on the table causing several people to jump. Hey cap it's no big deal, we can go back" began Bruce, but he was cut of by a growl from Steve.

"Natasha" whispered Absantine "I think you're golden retriever is rabid".

I can't believe I missed my own countries Eurovision song 😭 I only saw the end of it I'm so mad :(

Words: 1122

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