twenty six.

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"WE CAN tie all the carts in a circle. Then we can just use them as a shield." Su-Hyeok explained to the group, before everyone got up and began moving the objects out of the way.

They got the things they could find x such as rope and pliers. "We need strings or something to tie them together." Joon-Yeong explained, and they did as told. Soo-Jin helped with tying the crates together with Hyo-Ryeong.

"Hey, there's no way this is going to work." Mi-Jin huffed. "We should flip it over completely, so that we can hide underneath."

"Uh... We should stand it up." Wu-Jin suggested. "Yeah, zombies sure can't climb that?" She sarcastically answered him. "That's enough." He sighed, shaking his head. "Don't be stupid, okay? Let's redo them."

"It's too short if we close the lids. Unless you want us crawling? Pulling rank right now?" Joon-Yeong stated as he lifted one of the lids, but only to have it slammed shut. "Hey, say it to my face."

"If you don't like it, make your own." He rolled his eyes and continued to chain it up. "There," Mi-Jin pushed the side of his head and Soo-Jin walked over to them. "Are you crazy?" Wu-Jin asked, as he moved over to his friend.

"Just leave it, Mi-Jin." Soo-Jin tried to stop her from doing something that she may regret. "Say that again?" She urged the boy in front of her. "Do everyone a favor and stay out of our way." Joon-Yeong lowly said.

"Hey, you," she shoved his shoulder and went to hit him across the head again, but was stopped when he grabbed her wrist, making her kick him in the shin. "Shithead!"

"'Shithead'? Shithead. What the fuck!" She raised her voice and Soo-Jin grabbed onto her before she could do anything else. "Stop it, Mi-Jin." She ordered the older girl. "Joon-Yeong, you too." Su-Hyeok added.

"Who the hell is she to tell us we have to redo it?"

"'Who the hell is she?' Your fucking nightmare." Mi-Jin spat. "You're coming with us, right?" Su-Hyeok looked down at his girlfriends sister. "You're the one's coming with me." She firmly stated. "You won't just leave them here, right?" Su-Hyeok questioned Joon-Yeong. "I wish, but no." He answered.

"We're going together, anyway. Why fight now, huh?"

"Just do as I say unless you wanna die out there - which you might."

"We're tryna make it that high, so we don't die out there." Joon-Yeong informed her. "Enough already." Su-Hyeok huffed. "How many people have died on our way here? We can't lose anyone else. We shouldn't waste energy fighting among ourselves."

"I'm not fighting to die. I'm fighting because I wanna live."

"Then do as I fucking say, asshead."

"Unless we split up. Problem solved!" Joon-Yeong angrily said, before walking away. "Get back here. You hear me? Get back here!" Mi-Jin tried to go after him, but Soo-Jin held her back. "Let go of me! You think I'm doing this, because I wanna die?" She fumed, and was cut off by Nam-Ra harshly pushing a crate into another one, causing a bang, and for everyone to turn around.

"We'll vote on it." She instructed. "You are?" Mi-Jin asked. "Class prez." 

It had been decided that the group would go with Joon-Yeong's idea, and now they were getting back to work.

"Hey, chocolate bar." Cheong-San announced, making everyone stop and turn to him. "Let me see." Dae-Su said, taking the food from Cheong-San's hand. "You think we can eat it, huh? Oh no, expired."

"Okay? So what?"

"Okay, yeah, you're right."

The students gathered around in a circle, Soo-Jin stood between Mi-Jin and Hyo-Ryeong, as Wu-Jin was passed the chocolate from Dae-Su. "Only take a tiny bite. It needs to feed all of us, okay?"

Wu-Jin nodded, and took a bite. "Oh, shit. I said a tiny bite." He shook his head in disappointment. "I only freaking ate this much." Wu-Jin huffed, before passing it onto On-Jo, who then passed it to Mi-Jin after taking her bite.

"I'm full." She said, and handed it to Soo-Jin. "Not hungry." Soo-Jin stated and gave it to Hyo-Ryeong, who took a small bite and then passed it on.

Once it got to Dae-Su, he ate the rest of it. "Hey." Wu-Jin called out, making him turn around. "What?" He asked. "Joon-Yeong didn't have any."

Dae-Su slowly turned his head to look at the boy beside him who was giving him evil eyes.

"I though I was last. I'm really sorry."

The room stayed silent as Joon-Yeong only nodded. "Let's armor up." Soo-Jin told everyone and then, they did just that.

"Are you done?" Su-Hyeok asked Soo-Jin as she finished tying her shoe laces. She nodded and stood up straight to look at him. "Are you?" She questioned, and earned a nod in return.

"When we get out of here, and when we are safe and away from this mess, let me take you on a date." He smirked and just like the many times before, a blush creeped onto her face. "Is that a question or a statement?" She raised a brow and he let out a chuckle.

"Statement." Su-Hyeok kissed her on the top of her head and turned to face Joon-Yeong. "This is it. Here we go."

"This will work?" Dae-Su wondered, after fixing his armor. Joon-Yeong nodded, "it will work."

Mi-Jin turned around to look at her younger sister. "Stay close, okay?" She told her and she nodded. "I'll keep her by my side, don't worry." Su-Huron reassured Mi-Jin, who looked him up and down before slightly nodding and turning back around.

"You afraid?" Su-Hyeok squeezed Soo-Jin's hand and she shook her head. "Nope. Are you?" He let out a shaky breath. "Kind of."

Su-Hyeon picked up a weapon and handed it to Cheong-San. "I'm gonna take lead. You take the back." He said, and the boy nodded.

"Are you ready?"

"You better be right about this."

"We've seen so many zombies before. They're not smart enough for this."

Joon-Yeong turned around and slowly unlocked the door. He nodded his head to Su-Hyeok, who nodded back, before they barged the doors open.

This will be the only chapter today, more should come out tomorrow!!

I haven't proofread this, so just like before, sorry for mistakes.

Have a great day/night <3

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