Cracks In The Photographs

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          I'm cold, hungry, tired, and more importantly fed up. I rock back and forth in a corner and look at the clock on the wall in front of me. I'm still wearing the same sheer outfit from when he took me. He refused to give me any clothing because he likes to come home and see me like this. I think I've been here for a day now? Two? I'm not sure. I really hope Ramon heard me and he's on his way here.
"Wifey! I'm home! Have you been a good girl for me?"
          I put my head down to my knees, refusing to look at his face. He comes into the room and yanks my hair, forcefully making me look at him.
"Look at me when I talk to you bitch! Now, aren't you happy to see your husband?"
"I'm being treated like an animal by you as I'm in chains, I haven't changed in days, and you want me to be happy to see you? Are you out of your fucking mind?"
          Anger flashes in his eyes and his palm connects with my cheek, making a sound that echoed the walls. My eyes begin to water and his anger turns to concern. He rubs my cheek gently.
"I'm sorry, baby, you just made daddy very upset. Come here. Let me make you feel good." he says as he takes off my chain and picks me up from the ground. I put all my weight down and stay loose to make myself heavy.
"Come on baby. get up!"

          He managed to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder. I scream and kick against him but nothing works. He throws me onto the bed and climbs over me as he licks his lips. I squirm under his hold as he pulls my panties down and touches me. I start to cry and thankfully he stops.
"Awe, my love, what's wrong? Why're you crying?"
"Get off of me!"
"I'll do whatever I want with you." he spits out.
"No, the fuck you will not."
"Talk back to me one more time and I'll make you regret it. Let's go." He snarks as he throws me over his shoulder once more and takes me out of the room. I try to look for the door that led outside, mentally planning on how to escape but from my dim memories, I think we were near the back of the house. He takes me out the back door and I push against him, trying to break free from his hold. I scream out for someone to help me until my throat is dry and I feel like I can no longer breathe.
"Shut up! You're so goddamn annoying, no one can hear you."
          It was worth a try.
          He takes me into the large barn at the side of his house and throws me to the ground. My shoulder rubs against the old wooden floor and I get a few splinters. I wince and struggle to pick myself up. With the strength I manage to gain, I grab an old pipe next to me and swing as hard as I can. I miss and he grabs me, pulling away from the pipe from my hand.
"Don't do that, that wasn't nice," he growls as he grabs a rope and slams me down in a chair. He wraps the rope around me tight and makes sure that I had no inch left to move.
"Look at these," he says and removes the large sheet that covered the other half of the barn.
"LOOK AT THEM!" He repeats loudly and goes behind me, jerking my head up to force me to look at the pictures in front of me.
          Pictures were hanging everywhere on strings, taped to the walls, laying on desks. They all were pictures of me, Ramon, and the both of us together. All the way back to that day when Ramon first met Cherry at the club. There were pictures of us in our homes. I gasp when I look at a specific one and realize that it was the day when the paparazzi were surrounding the house. Mike had been following me for a long time. And these pictures proved it.
"What the fuck is wrong with you."
"Why won't you love me the way you love him? Huh? Why can he touch you, yet I can't. You're my wife, not his. He doesn't want you. He's just using you. Rich guys like him only want girls like you for sex. And look at that shit you call a job. Showing off your body for money? It's disgusting. But don't worry, I'll fix you."
"Keep his name out of your dirty fucking mouth psycho. You know nothing about him. And what I do with my life is none of your business, I can do whatever the hell I want."
          He kicks the chair and I fall flat on my face. Then he puts his foot on the back of the chair and presses down.
"Shut your mouth."
          I grunt under him and my head begins to hurt.
"I will not tolerate this disrespect from my wife like this."
"Stop saying I'm your wife! You're delusional and crazy. You broke up with me, remember that? It wasn't the other way around. We never even talked about marriage in the first place. I don't know if you fell down a couple flights of stairs or something but you need to get it through your thick head that I don't belong to you!"
          My eyes widen as he pulls out a knife from his pocket and bends down towards me.
"I love you, Celestia! I'm sorry, that was wrong of me to break up with you. It was a mistake. I-I needed help. So I left and got it. But now I'm back, and I wanna make things right again. But you won't let me! You're making this hard for the both of us. I don't wanna hurt you, baby, you know that! Now, come on baby. let's go back in the house, I'll make you feel good."

          I calm down slightly when he puts the knife away. He picks up the chair and unties me, but still keeps the rough rope around me so I couldn't move. He drags me back into the house, back to the room, and throws me on the bed. He rips off my bra and starts to fondle with my breasts as he leans in to kiss me.
"Stop! Please Mike stop it!"
"But I thought you liked this sort of thing, especially with ropes."
"P-please, just s-stop." I cry.


          A loud gunshot goes off and I look towards the door, and I have never been so happy. Both Ramon and James were in front of the door with guns in hand.

"How the hell did you get here!" yells Mike.
"That's none of your business, give us Celestia. No one has to get hurt," replies James.
"No! She's mine!"
"I don't think you understand what's going on here. we didn't give you a choice in this matter. Now, I'm fed up, tired, and pissed off and I'm this close to blowing your fucking brain out. Celestia isn't your fucking wife, never was, and never will be. She doesn't belong to you." says Ramon through his tightened jaw.
          This was my chance to get him off me while he was distracted. I slowly move my leg up then harshly kick at his stomach. I can hear something crack as he falls off of the bed and to the floor. He screams out in pain and I scurry out of the awful bed, right into Ramon's arms. The tears begin to fall out of extreme happiness. I don't think I could ever handle this trauma ever again.

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