She's Afraid

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          I take another painkiller for my headache. She wasn't answering her phone and her friends weren't answering my calls anymore after they chewed me out, which I was in fact very confused about. I miss her badly.


"Is something wrong Mrs. Madeline?" I say as I answer the phone.
"Well, yes and no."
"Why? God, did something happen to her?" I started to panic.
"No, no, she's fine. She's with Stephanie and Lucy."
"Why didn't she tell me anything? Is she upset? I couldn't have possibly done anything to make her upset."
"Something happened while she was at school, I also called her friend Lucy to get more info, I'm trying to help you out here Ramon, but you know how stubborn my daughter is. She likes to find out things on her own. She thinks you cheated on her."
"What? Why would I do that? I'm not the type of person to-I love her!"
"I know Ramon, but I got a call from the university, they wanted to notify me about her professor. He pulled her aside after class and he tried to touch her inappropriately."
          My blood boiled as she told me this.
"I also heard that he showed her pictures that were recent of a redhead kissing your cheek and another brunette wrapping her arms around your waist as you looked down at her, but the problem is that she thinks those pictures are real."
"But why though, why would she willingly believe that I would hurt her like this?" I ask.
"In my opinion, I just think that she wants space. She wants to figure it out on her own. I don't think that she believes it, especially after everything you've done for her, but I think she's just playing detective right now. As her mother, I can tell she's scared. She's scared to confront you about it. This relationship she has with you is all new to her, because for once in her life, it isn't a toxic one. She's afraid that if she went about her day and came home, it'd be gnawing at her on the inside, thinking is it true every time she looked at you. She doesn't like others to deal with her issues, but she doesn't want to deal with them herself. Give her about a day or two and then talk to Lucy. If you reason with her then she can convince Celestia to come back."
"Thank you, Mrs. Madeline."
"No problem Ramon, I really like you two together and she's being stupid by messing it up and letting the littlest of things come between you both. But I get her, I was like that once, in the exact same situation with her dad when we were dating, we used to laugh about it all the time. Hah, like mother like daughter I guess. But look at me I married the man, and hell I'll be damned if she doesn't have a happy ending as I did."
"She will," I whispered.


          I drive to her university first. When I get there, I go straight to the first officer I found.
"Mr. Osgood? Do you need any help, sir?"
"I do, in fact, I'm looking for Professor Finn."
"They escorted him out a few hours ago. Did you need him for something?"
"Not really, I just wanted to talk. You wouldn't happen to know about him touching someone after class would you?"
"Yes, I do, I'm not sure if it was her friend but someone came to me with a video and-"
"Do you have the video?"
"No sir, it's on the person's phone."
          I close my eyes, pressing my teeth together.
"Thank you,"
"Y-you're welcome sir."
          I walk away from him and go back to my car. I wasn't gonna get any answers from her friends so there's no point in asking them anything. The only way I was gonna get Celestia to talk to me is if I proved to her myself that the pictures were fake. I don't think she believed they were real. As her mother said, I agree with her. I think she's scared. She doesn't want to yell at me and argue with me but what she doesn't understand is that she could yell at me all day every day and I'd be fine just as long as at the end of the day she was with me and in my arms. If only she'd just come to me, I would've gotten rid of every doubt she has because if she thinks that I would do something so downright stupid to hurt her, then she's wrong. I picked up my phone from the holder and dialed Rose's number.
"Hey, Ramon, what's up?"
"Problem. Celestia thinks I cheated on her."
"Now, why would she think that?"
"Well today that son of a bitch Finn, an old friend of mine, showed her some pictures of me with a redhead and another with a brunette. Her mother claims that she doesn't believe it and it's fifty-fifty on how she feels, you know, considering that before I met her I technically played around with women. She said that she just needed some space, but I'm just trying to get her to talk to me Rose. She won't answer my calls or texts."
"Okay, we'll figure this out, she's probably just used to men treating her like shit, blame that on Mike. But, I'll text her, and I'll see if I can get her to talk to you. Where is she now?"
"She's at a friend's. Lucinda's her name."
"Okay, give me her number so I can call her first. I need to see those pictures for myself before I talk to Celestia."
"Thank you, Rose, I can't thank you enough."
"What're best friends for? Plus, I really like Celestia for you, she makes you actually show your feelings," she states as she laughs through the phone.
"Yeah, whatever," I reply smiling.
"See? You know it's true."
"I know, but I can't help it, I really love her ya know?"
"I know Ramon, okay send me Lucinda's number so I can call her, and then I'll call you back."
"Alright, talk to you later."
          I ended the call and sent Lucy's number to her. I really hope she can reach her. I want my Queen back home.

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