Let's Talk About Sex Baby

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          The dreadful Monday finally showed up. I am on my way to the last class of my day and it is currently 3:15 pm. I'd have to drive a little faster before I'm late. I press on the gas, barely making it past a yellow light before I drive for a few minutes and turn right to the second campus of the school. Thank God that this was my last year. I don't think could handle another month of staying late at both jobs just to scrape up enough money to pay for the semester. I try and find parking closest to the building where my class would be held and grab my bag as I get out of my car. I shoot off a quick text to the girl who was supposed to meet me in front of the classroom to tell her that I'm almost there and walk up to the building. She quickly spots me and waves me over the second I'm off of the elevator on the second floor.

"Hey, Celestia!"
"Hi, Stephanie, right?"
"Yeah, you ready to head in?"
"Sure, where do you wanna sit?"
"Anywhere really," she says as she heads through the second row of desks and sits at one, patting the desk next to her. I sit at the desk she patted and silently pull out a small notebook. This was an interesting class I suppose. I had tried to get all of the major classes that I needed to graduate out of the way so that I'd have all the fun during my senior year, which worked pretty well for me. I'm not sure what convinced me to pick this class, I guess part of me just found it interesting that they even had a class such as this, and the other part of me just wanted to see what was up. Soon the professor shows up as well as the other students. Looking around I notice that the majority of the class is male. And so is the professor. He looks very young. He's quite tall and wears glasses with thick red frames. 

"Good Afternoon everyone, my name is Finn Lancaster. You may address me as professor Finn or professor Lanny. The choice is yours. Choice is given. Choice can also be taken away. Choice is the opportunity or power to decide between two or more possibilities. This is where we will start our lesson for today. Trust me it'll be more light next class."

          I start to take notes to what I'm guessing is a reminder on sexual consent and making good choices. Towards the end of class, professor Finn passes out a sheet of paper. I skim the list. My eyes immediately stop at the near top of the page on the second word on that list.

"On the paper, I have just given you is a list of all the topics that you can choose from for your final project which will be used as your final grade. Throughout our classes, I will be bringing in special guests that have to do with each of them so I suggest that you choose a topic to research as soon as possible. That way when your topic-related person comes, you may ask them questions later and get their contact information. Class dismissed."

          I grab my notebook, regretting that I even pulled it out, and stood up, following Stephanie out of the classroom. 

"Well that was very interesting," she notes as I match her walking pace.
"Ha, yeah, I've never been more confused yet so intrigued."
"I think the teacher is cute don't you?"
"He's cute I'll admit. I have a thing for glasses lol."
"No, for real like glasses have a hold on me."
"His height is kind of intimidating though."
"Really? I kinda like it."
"Yea but imagine if-"
"If what beautiful?"
Stephanie and I both look at each other and slowly turn around to see two guys staring slightly down at us.
"Sorry my friend here is a creep, I'm Ethan and this jackass here is Luke." said the one in the blue striped shirt.
"Nice to meet y'all." perks up Stephanie. Her voice, going two octaves higher.
I give her a side look and she gives me a nervous one back. I look back towards the men and I quickly and mentally assess them in my head. They were sitting in the back of the class. Ethan has wavy salt and pepper hair, and a chiseled face that somehow made me want to touch it. Luke however has more of a smoother face hidden underneath a stubble and has short straight hair. They were pretty hot if I'm being honest. Luke sent a grin my way and it snapped me out of my assessments of them. 

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