Sweet is My Middle Name

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          My eyes flutter open from a well-rested sleep. It feels like I haven't slept this great in ages with this baby. Ramon was still sleeping softly next to me with his back turned. I quickly kiss in between his shoulder blades and then shuffle out of bed. I paddle to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. Ugh, I looked awful and for some odd reason, I felt like looking nice today. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and even managed the brush out the knots in my hair. I put my hair in a messy bun and then wrap the large towel around my body before I walk out into the room. I go to the closet and look through all of my maternity dresses. I skimmed back and forth through the clothing before I settle on one. It was a lovely cerulean robe-like dress that was sheer in the stomach area. It showed off my baby bump while the rest of the dress flowed loosely around my legs. The tule going to the bottom made me feel like Cinderella. I then sit at the mirror and stare at the makeup in front of me. Why the hell not. I pick up my brow brush, brush them out, and then add a tiny bit of mascara to my eyelashes. Lastly, I take my lip gloss and add a layer to my lips. I look a little more alive I thought to myself as I place the tube down. I get up and slip on my slippers before going to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.


          Ramon kisses my forehead as he greets me in the library.
"You look beautiful my darling, what's the occasion?" he asks.
"Good morning, just cause, I felt yucky this morning."
"Mmm, alright. What're you reading?"
"The Crown by Kiera Cass, love the plot twist at the end. You know, I was very surprised to see you pick this series out for me."
"That's because I've read this one, and the eight before it. I bought them all for you because one, I thought you would like them as much as I did, and two, you remind me of America."
"How so?"
"Her red hair reminds me of your fiery personality. And she took a chance on Maxon even if she didn't want to at first, just like you did with me in the beginning." he smiles.
"I didn't even think about it like that, you're so sweet,"
"I'm simply stating facts here," he replies as he steals another kiss. "Did you eat yet lovely?"
"Yes, I did."
"Alright then, I'll go make some food for my mom and Lilly then I'll come back with the laptop and we can talk about wedding plans."
"Oh right! Yay, my twelve-year-old self is internally screaming right now," I grin.
          He chuckles and heads for the door.
"Don't tell me you were one of those kids that played wedding day."
"Oh yes, I went the whole mile. My mom even has a VHS tape of me trying to walk down our hallway in her heels and veil that she wore when she got married."
"Now, I'm definitely calling your mom. I have to see that."
"Even better, I'll let her play it at our reception."
"Definitely. I'll see you in a bit." he winks and heads for the kitchen.


          I place the bookmark inside of the book and lift myself up from the loveseat, making my way to the kitchen. Clarissa and Lilly were nearly finished with their breakfasts as came up to the counter.
"Good morning you two."
"Morning my future daughter-in-law," she smiles.
          I smile back. I always smile when she mentions it.
"Morning Celestia! How's baby doing?"
"She's doing good, quieter than usual," I state.
"How so?" she replies as Ramon takes the plate from her and she gets up from the stool.
"She actually let me sleep well last night," I say looking down at my belly.
"I don't know how you all do it. I value my sleep way too much."
"Well, I got many more days of no sleep for me when she's born. I have a feeling that she's going to keep me up all night,"
"Oh she definitely is," says Clarissa as she enters the conversation. "This one here," she says pointing to Ramon. "Never let me sleep for a few months. I had to hire a caretaker just to get some sleep. All he wanted was to stay up. Half of the time it was to simply stare at the decoration hanging from the crib."
"Ha, guess who's the favorite kid now?" taunts Lilly as she sticks her tongue out towards Ramon's back as he washes the last of the dishes.
"Still me," he grins and splashes a few droplets of water towards her.
"Stop it you two, anyway, Ramon tells me you are looking at wedding plans today?"
"I am, would you two like to help?"
"Oh, that would be wonderful!"
"I should call my mom as well, I know she'll want to comment on things here and there."
"No need my love, she'll be here in twelve minutes," says Ramon as he comes up from behind.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I had her come over. Since my mom was here, I thought she'd want a friend and they could finally meet as well."
"You're right! Thank you for doing that. It was very sweet of you,"
"Sweet is my middle name," he says as he kisses my neck.
"Ugh, ew, gag. That has to be one of the cheesiest lines ever. Your middle name is Dace stupid."
"Dace? That is such a pretty name. I just realized that I never knew your middle name," I say turning to face him.
          Ramon chuckles. "That's because most people don't know."
"Yeah, it was his great grandfather's name." replies his mother.

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