I'd Like To Keep You

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          I wake up to find myself not in the room that I was given. I look around in confusion and when I turn to my left I see a peacefully sleeping Ramon. I look down at him and then down at myself, realizing we were both still naked. I can feel my cheeks turning red again and I press the palms of my hands on them to cool them down. As I grab the covers to pull it over me, I sigh and lay back down, facing Ramon. To think that I'd be in the same bed as him, let alone nude. I find myself faintly moving my fingers across his bare chest, careful not to wake him up. I felt oddly at ease which is quite funny if you ask me since I've managed to avoid this man for years.

          I sigh and get up from the bed. I decided to take a bath again this morning. It's not like I had anything to do today either. I pad across the floor to the open-spaced bathroom. I silently giggle to myself at the large and weirdly shaped bathtub. After I turn on the water, I let it run for a few minutes until it reached halfway. I place a clean towel to the side of the tub and dip myself in the warm water. I look to the sides of the tub and find a button near my arm. Beside the button, there are a few candles. I'd never peg Ramon as a candle person. I laughed to myself again. There sure is a lot of things that I don't know about him. Maybe he isn't the emotionless person he's always shown to others. Maybe that's just his way of protecting who he really is. I fiddle with the button, then finally press it out of curiosity. 

"Oh!" I exclaim as the jets suddenly turn on.

I close my eyes and let the jet beat against my back and my legs. Once my back had enough I turn around to face the jets. It gently presses against my breasts and all I could think of was Ramon and the way he nipped at them. I shake my head to take away the thoughts of him and I feel the water move behind me. I dart open my eyes when I feel hands on me.

"Good Morning," says Ramon as he pulls me to him on the other side of the tub.
"Morning." I sigh as I rest my head against the side of his neck. Now, this was a great start to my morning.
He pulls me closer as if there was no more space between us. I can feel his hard-on and my stomach jitters.
"You're hard," I whisper.
"And you're wet."
"No shit, I'm in a bathtub," I say as I roll my eyes, trying to fight the smile that wants to escape.
"I meant here," he says as he dipped his hands in between my legs and slipped a finger in.
I gasp and without thinking my body squeezes and does a jerk-like motion.
"You can't tell."
"Yes, I definitely can," he responds as he curls his finger deeper inside.
"R-Ramon, don't s-start something you can't finish." I moan.
"Oh, I do plan on finishing what I started. God Celestia, you gripping my finger makes me want to fuck you again. Are you sore from yesterday?"
"N-no." I breathe out in a rush.
"Good," he says and he takes his finger out of me and moves me around to face him.

I look into his eyes filled with lust and he positions me right on top of his cock. He moves me down his length and I moan again as I tilt my head back. The water moves as I move like a boat moving against waves. I continuously ride him until I reach orgasm. My nails dig into his back and he groans as he releases soon after me. We're both panting as we stare at each other, neither knowing what to do or how to react. 

"That makes seven," he says as he pulls me down to kiss me.
"That doesn't count."
"We get a pass, you were too tired. Even as you were begging for more."
My cheeks turn red for the second time this morning and I tip my head down.
"There's no need for that."
"I've just never had anyone make me come as much and as hard as you Ramon. It just feels different." I mumble.
"Mm, well that's only part of what I can do, you haven't seen half."
"I know you still have to show me your way around ropes and ties and whatnot."
"There's so much more than just ropes and ties Celestia. And I plan on showing everything to you."
"There's simply no way you can show me everything in the next five days."
"I could. But if you'd like to stay for more than a week, I wouldn't stop you." he smiles.
I search his face for any sign of a joke. Anything that would tell me that he wasn't serious.
"Can I ask you a question?" I say as I fold my arms around his neck.
"This, thing. Between us, how are we gonna handle it when the week is over or even if I decide to stay a little longer. When it's over, and we go back to our normal lives, how's that gonna be? Won't it be super awkward?"

"If you'd let me, I'd never stop doing this with you. You're different from the other women I've had. I told you before that I've had my eyes on you since the moment you walked into my office with that tight black and white patterned dress for that interview."
"You remember what I wore?"
"Yes, I did, I pay attention to detail. Anyway, it won't be weird for me. I'll treat you just as I do now. But I won't touch you without your permission if you know what I mean."
"Yeah, I get it."
"Are you worried that I'll ignore you?"
"No, I'm worried that I'll try and avoid you as I did before."
"You've always intimidated me. I told myself that I never needed to be near you unless it was for work. And I've been damn good at it too."
"Indeed you have," he replies as he slips himself out of me. I move off of him, immediately feeling empty once more. I  lay my head on his shoulder beside him and mindlessly trace images on his chest. This was very calming and I cannot believe I'm saying this but I think I like this.

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