Cinders and letters

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Weiss is in the Beacon courtyard looking at her scroll when Ruby trots up to her excitedly.

Ruby: Weiss, Weiss! Look! I got us friendship bracelets!

Weiss: (sighing and without looking up) Alright Ruby, put it here.

She extends her hand. Ruby immediately locks them both into handcuffs and sticks her tongue out at Weiss, shaking and smirking.

Weiss: y/n! Help!

Weiss is in the Team RWBY dorm room, penning a letter to her sister.

Weiss: (voice over) My dearest Winter. My time at Beacon is going well thus far. Unfortunately, I was not selected to be Team Leader. But worry not. Our team has a capable leader at the helm. She's...

Zwei barks. Weiss turns to look as Ruby teases the dog with a cooked chicken stuck on the scythe-end of Crescent Rose.

Ruby: Well, come on, boy! Come on, boy! Get the chicken! Get the chicken! (makes chicken noises)

Weiss: Hmm? (voice over) ...interesting. She's also...

Ruby: Hey, Weiss!

Weiss turns to see Zwei with the chicken and Ruby holding a large chocolate chip cookie.

Ruby: Wanna see me eat this cookie through my nose? Check it out! (makes grunts of effort)

Weiss returns to writing the letter.

Weiss: (voice over) a person.

There's a loud sound of something abruptly crunching.

Ruby: Argh.

You offscreen: Ruby! What did we say shoving cookies up our noses?!

Weiss: (voice over) then there's y/n who is more responsible and caring, and my boyfriend 

At the kitchen table, Ruby and Yang play a game of chess, both of them silently concentrating. Ruby makes a move.

Yang: Huh?

Ruby: Checkmate.

Yang: Good game!

Blake and Weiss burst into the room with their weapons at the ready, causing tables to shake and a billboard to fall off the wall. Weiss and Blake pant while looking around for danger.

Blake: Ha!

Yang: We really need to rename that move.

Ruby: (sighing) Yeah.

Weiss is doing work at her desk when Ruby kicks in the dorm door.

Ruby: (while Weiss is screaming from being loudly startled) Weiss!

Weiss: Will you please stop doing that?!

Ruby: That upperclassman from Haven wants to hang out!

Weiss: Who?

Ruby: Cinder!

Weiss: Cinder... Cinder... Doesn't ring a bell. What's her last name?

Ruby: Oh! Uh... um, hmm... What was it?

A silent movie scene label cuts in, reading: CINDER MALL.

Cinder, Emerald, and Mercy stand outside a store called Always 17. Cinder holds forth her Tournament outfit from Volume 3 on a hanger.

Cinder: This is something young people wear, right?

Emerald: (inarticulate) I dunno.

You: I think it looks nice

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