chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"What is your planet called?" I closed my eyes as he asked. I thought deeply about it before agreeing to answer. If it got me away from those injections then I'd gladly answer all their questions. 

"My planet is called earth. Earth is made of 70 percent water and 30 percent land. Don't get the wrong idea. Humans don't live in water. We live clustered together. Some live alone and others live in large groups." I answered. I glanced up to see them whispering lowly to themselves. "Is that all?"

"Do you humans have any defenses?" He asked. That question made me snort and roll my eyes.

"As you can clearly see," I said rolling my eyes as I gestured to my wiggling fingers showing dull fingernails. I watched their every movement like a hawk. If you looked closely, and they did, you could see I was still dangerous from the look in my eyes.

"Looks can be deceiving." He said showing me his own hand with nails similar to my human one. He let me study them for a few seconds before he extended them into long sharp claws.

My eyes squinted at the nature of him extending and retracting his claws. All I could think was 'damn.'

"As you can see. Most creatures have retractable claws." He said as he retracted his and looked down at me. I shook my head silently telling him my nails don't extend. Though I don't think he believed me because of the way he was staring at me.

"Seems as if humans are weak." The female mumbled to him softly. It was probably to him alone but I assure you that every creature in the room heard. She has a loud voice after all.

"That is still a hypothesis. He has shown to be able to adapt to the drugs no matter the strength. More observation is needed." The turquoise male alien said watching me closely. "His eyes say he is holding back."

Hearing that made me frown and glare hard.  But I quickly smiled instead hoping he wouldn't inject more harsh liquid into my temple.

"Quick to anger but can be controlled, Needs a stronger dose of the new sedative." The male alien said squatting above me raising the needle in a threatening manner.

"If you keep doing that you might end up killing it. After all, it's the last human left alive." When I heard her mumble that my smile slipped into one of surprise and shock.

"There were other humans?" I asked barely above a whisper. He said nothing just slowly nodded.

"I'm not so sure he's human but considering his species is unknown I could be wrong." The male alien mumbled. The female quickly put away her glass tablet and strode over to stand over the male alien to study me as well.

"What do you mean?" She asked eyes wandering my body. She was looking for signs of any type that showed any defense and let me tell you they looked closely.

"He has taken in one injection to help him adapt and understand, one injection of the sedative, and, one injection of the new sedative. And he's still alive. Seems to be perfectly fine. The other subjects that looked like him were also human and they died after being injected with a smaller dose of the sedative." He said his eyes never moving from mine. It was as if he was reading into my mind. "Besides this one is not afraid. The other subjects were terrified. That means he has some type of defense."

"Little human, what is your defense?" She asked face serious. If you looked harder it seemed almost kind. They were obviously no threat so I relaxed but I wasn't going to give myself away.

"Being human is a defense for me," I mumbled reluctantly. I frowned not liking the fact that they were practically reading my mind.

They're smarter than the average person. It's obvious they're more advanced. Hopefully, I can hide myself for as long as possible.

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