chapter 8

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Chapter 8

We were frozen stiff, fear had caught us by the throat. He had been watching us, who knows how closely. That meant he had time to learn and translate our mer dialect, if he was that advanced that is, and I guarantee you he was.

"Let me introduce myself." The male Ina said smiling whether it was a gentle smile or a teasing smirk we couldn't tell, and that's what had the tension in us rising higher. We didn't know how much information he had learned about us but we knew it was enough to keep all seven of us in line.

All we did learn was he was more intelligent and a lot stronger then the doctors and guards. We knew this by the way he stood in the center of the broken glass wall with his hands clasped behind his back. It was obvious to us he was relaxed, which meant that he had some type of power over us and he knew it.

"My name is Lorsan and I'm the captain of this space craft." He said relaxed. "And I'm your new owner." He had a smile on but it was obvious that he was he saying challenge me and I'll make sure you regret it. His aura was strong and I had a feeling he was able to emit a stronger aura in order to make us submit. It was obvious in his posture that he wouldn't hesitate to put us in our place and he knew exactly how to, if he was really watching us like he said he was.

That thought didn't settle with me very well. The longer he stood there, the more uneasy my stomach became. The more nervous I actually became. A sharp pain started to form in my lower abdomen when he stared at me. I instantly knew what the pain meant. Nervousness and fear. I didn't like that feeling at all. I have never really felt fear as bad as this before not even with Reyna and her kind back on earth but this man, no this alien, had formed it within minutes.

"CAPTAIN! WE NEED HELP!" Another tall Ina alien came running down the hall. When he came into view he took one glance at the shattered glass and his comrades down on the ground before completely dismissing us. Turning back to his captain he looked up, yes he was tall but not 13 feet tall, more like 10. He turned back to speak with Lorsan his captain once more before becoming panicked once again. "A worm hole has formed. We are too close to avoid it."

"Activate the gravity field. It'll allow us to pass through safely." He commanded sternly. The alien almost instantly nodded and took off running back the way he came, probably back to the control room. My head perked up at the idea of following him and attempting to take control of the ship somehow so we could get away but that idea was immediately shut down by a single click of Lorsan's tongue.

I fell to the floor covering my ears as pain instantly shot through my head. My brain felt like it was melting but the pain left almost as fast as it came. Which stunned me to the core. Groggily I sat up with a hand on my head rubbing my temple as I looked around at the others. My eyes widened when I saw they were in the same state as I was, even Kai.

He was angry, very angry by the looks of how red his eyes were. When I turned my attention back to Lorsan I saw him standing there with a stern look on his face. He said nothing but his eyes shown disappointment, which shockingly hurt. I hated that look. It made me feel like a failure when I saw it.

Looking down I tried my best to hide my sadness but I had a feeling he had seen it even if it was there only for a brief second. 

"You're alright." He said in a soothing voice, which had my head snapping up to greet his, in hopes of not seeing that disappointed face any longer. Instead he now shown kindness, which had me frowning at how easily he could control us like this.

I had underestimated him greatly. We all did. It was no wonder why we were heading his way now. I completely understood now. He must've had special abilities to control unruly  pets like myself.

"I have to head back to the control room. Be good and I'll reward you." He said smiling gently down at us. Though there was a threat hidden in his eyes. The threat that he'll prolong the pain next time we disobey and force him to tend to us personally. "Oh and before I leave, you might want to sit in your cages. It'll protect you from getting hurt. The ride through the wormhole will be bumpy and with this broken glass everywhere, you might get hurt." He gave us one last smile before leaving the way he came.

I felt my chest swelling as he left. Though I also felt disgust. Swelling because he trusted us and disgust because I wanted it. I frowned and let a low growl rumble through my throat.

"Well now what?" Reyna asked casually as she crossed her arms. When I looked over to her I only saw an empty space next to Nicolai. When I glanced back I saw that she was sitting back in her cage. My frown turned into one of confusion the longer I stared. "He said to sit in them. They must have some sort of defense shield if he said they'll protect us from the glass." She explained staring at my confused face. "I'd hurry before the shields come down. Any second now we will enter the wormhole and I guarantee you that’s when it'll go down."

When she explained the situation like that I saw everyone run to their cages. Vraun was sharing Linvia's. We I saw them cuddling together for some reason I started to feel anger building up in my chest. Though I kept an indifferent expression. Before the jealousy got the better of me I slowly walked over to Vraun's empty cage and sat in it.

It took not even a second after I had entered the cage for the emergency shields to activate and slam shut. It reminded me of a simple double paned window with the cage bars in the middle of the glass. Only then did the guards and Ina doctors that didn’t die from internal bleeding, which was two surprisingly, get up, once we were all safely locked in the cages. They didn’t bother us after that, just got up and left. I had a feeling that they left to get something to clean up all this glass or possibly move us to a new viewing room.

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