chapter 3

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Chapter  3

"Hold him down!" One red guard said electrifying his whip. I looked at him and shook my head but held a strong aura.

"I only wanted some water. A little salted would be nice." I said clasping my hands behind my back. "I don't know how else to contact you guys. I haven't had a single drop of water since I've been here. And who knows how long that has been."

"Hmm... You can go. I'm fine here." The male doctor that has been coming in said in a dismissive tone. His eyes never moved from me. I held authority in my posture. From the way, I held myself against the guard I'm sure he figured out that I would raise hell and kill all I saw if he touched me with it.

"Are you sure? That one is dangerous." Another red guard said. The male Ina doctor simply nodded his head dismissing everyone except the one female Ina doctor that went to fetch me my water.

"I have more questions. If you want your water you will answer them." He said waving the needle in his hand threateningly. I frowned but didn't glare. I nodded slowly. From the looks of the liquid inside it was a different injection than what I've already been given. He was experimenting on me and I didn't like it one bit.

"Are you experimenting on me?" I asked in a threatening manner glaring up at him. As soon as he took a step forward I changed my demeanor to an innocent docile one. Thankfully he backed off from the injection.

"Yes. We need a sedative that works on your kind because all the sedatives we've already tried haven't worked. Your body will either burn it off faster than it would take effect or it simply won't work at all." He responded. I nodded in understanding, shocked that he actually answered my question for a change.

"Now why are you different than the other human subjects we had?" Once he asked that I knew I had to give him something. So I decided to answer it vaguely.

"You're completely right when you said I wasn't human. But in a way I am. All types of highly intelligent creatures that live on my planet can force themselves to look as I do. So if you wanted to go and capture more human-like subjects, it'd be like going in blind. You won't know what you get unless we show you or tell you." I said. I was hoping that would satisfy him.

"So you're a shifter?" He asked well more like stated in observation. I shook my head no.

"Looking human is a defense mechanism," I stated calmly. "No non-human-like creatures on earth are shifters. None and that includes myself."

"So what is your kind called?" He asked again. I shook my head. I wasn't answering any more questions. Not about me.

"Can I have my water now?" I asked in an annoyed tone. He stayed silent as she came in holding a cup. I was half expecting her to give me a bowl since were supposedly pets.

"A few more questions." He said nodding to her to stand back. I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes. "What weather do you prefer to live in?"

"Non-human and human on earth alike both need warm weather," I answered vaguely. He simply nodded his head. He was keeping it in his mind for now and most likely going to jot them down later.

"What type of food do you eat?" He asked. That was a tricky one. Sirens like myself have razor-sharp teeth made for ripping into flesh and bone but the dull incisors are made for vegetation.

"Mmm... plants, fruits, vegetables, and meat. I prefer my meals still walking." I said letting him see the predatory look in my eyes. He only waved the needle higher threatening me. Once again forcing me to back down.

"So your teeth are retractable? Interesting." He mumbled to himself. I closed my eyes and sighed heavily. That was my mistake. He was definitely smarter than me and playing me at my own game. Except he was better at it.

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