chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"I was asleep." He said waving me over with a single finger. By the look on his face I knew he was hungry and knowing his kind, once he got his hands on me I knew I was dead. So I did the only thing I knew, I listened to my instincts and slowly but surely backed away and crawled over to the other side of Nicolai's cage. He may be more aggressive but he was way safer than Kai was.

"Get me out of here," Nicolai demanded as I hid from Kai on the other side of his cage. Glancing away from Kai for an instance I saw Nicolai staring at me with deadly yet pleading daggers and if I wasn't mistaken I could've sworn I saw the slightest bit of fear in them.

"These bars can easily be broken by a half shift but be careful not to show any wounds. They'll figure out your defenses easily. They're smarter than I give them credit for." I said casually, crossing my arms and legs. Yeah, I didn't care if anyone saw me it wasn't important anymore. The only thing that was important was not getting attacked by these vicious predators from earth and getting hard from the seductive looks kai was giving me, not to mention ignoring the other furry aliens.

"Really..." I heard kai say smirking wickedly as his eyes were trained on me. My eyes widened and when I realized what I had just done my hands immediately slapped themselves over my mouth as I started to shake with fear. "It's ok cutie I won't kill ya." He was giving me the most seductive yet threatening look possible.

When I saw him bend the front of his bars to the side my breathing increased rapidly. My eyes snapped towards Nicolai and I saw he had the same reaction. I instantly started to help him bend the bars so he could be free, and help defend me against Kai. He was hungry and he saw me as prey. Sure he said he wasn't going to kill me but there are numerous ways for him to feed on me and not kill me. All he'd have to do is leave me hanging on by a thread and I'd eventually heal myself if the doctors didn't do it for me.

When Nicolai was free I had just turned around in time to see kai slamming me against the glass wall hard grinning wickedly. From the corners of my eyes I saw Sillyia trying to break or bend the bars as Kai and Nicolai had, but to no avail. They wouldn't even budge. These aliens had no knowledge of our kind so it was a high possibility that our kind would be able to break them. Though Nicolai and I struggled hard while Kai bent them easily. That's what scared me.

I saw Nicolai fully half shifting, probably to Kai off of me. We were both Sirens and when more than one siren is together our abilities amplify, not only that but we find comfort in one another especially when you're aboard a ship away from your entire pod surrounded by creatures of unknown species.

His eyes turned into a beautiful golden brown while his sclera turned from white to black. His once dull nails lengthened into claws while his fingers started to attempt to web together but failing miserably due to the lack of water, so they started to bleed profusely. His knees snapped backwards with a crunch as his legs and thighs lengthened to terrifying heights. The flesh on his legs started to bleed from several pores as they stretched. His muscles were tearing themselves apart as he tried to fully dry shift. The dorsal fins on his calves, forearms, and spine attempted to come out but due to the lack of salt water, his skin tore and shredded itself forcing the fins to stay in.

Kai held me by my neck and shoulders with his left forearm pressed across my chest tightly pinning me to the glass wall. I knew it was only a matter of time before the guards came. They told me they could hear someone tapping the glass so when Kai slammed me up against it hard enough for a single crack to run through the whole wall meant the entire ship heard.

He was smirking down at me as he watched Nicolai from the corner of his eyes. He not once moved his head from facing mine. He was grinning, though I was losing breath I was able to slightly see them. His fangs. Long and white and sharp. He was a vampire and due to his knowledge and strength, I knew he had to be at least a few hundred years old. I had no idea what abilities they held but in all honesty, I didn't want to.

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