the planet

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  The planet is warmer than Morgana had originally assumed it to be.  

  As Ikaris slams into a Deviant, driving it out towards the sea and away from the shore, Morgana's eyes land on another one.  It's creeping towards them from the right, emerging rapidly from behind a large formation of rocks.  

  As Makkari runs towards the boy on the pebbled beach, Morgana runs in the opposite direction, heading for the Deviant.  She focuses her power into her hand, and just as the Deviant gets within a couple of feet of her, she thrusts her hand out.  

  With a sharp screech that echoes through the air, the Deviant is thrown up and over her head.  She slides underneath it, hands over her head as she propels it with her powers into the cliff.  The ground shakes with the impact as chunks of the cliff fall into the sea.

  She shoots up from her sliding position, spinning around to face the Deviant.  Its head is shaking violently, throwing bits of rubble and rocks everywhere as it seems to regain its bearings.  Fortunately, there's a large cut in its side, spanning from its leg to its eye.  

  She waits, hands out and ready to use her powers at a moments notice.  She can feel them building up, bubbling in her body and just waiting for her to let them out.  

  When the Deviant runs at her again, roaring and baring its teeth, she focuses her powers on the rocks around her.  The Deviant is fast, she'll give it that, but it's also stupid, as they so usually are.  It uses pure strength and speed, which is why it's so easy to predict its moves.  It's feet pound the earth and shake the ground beneath her feet, and just as it reaches her- head reared back and teeth gleaming with blood in the light of the sun- she throws her hands up.  

  The Deviant's blood splatters on her as hundreds of shards of rock stab into the Deviant.  It freezes in the air just above her, and she can feel the life force fading from its body.  She uses her powers to hold it up as it goes limp, so it doesn't fall on top of her, and she maneuvers it to the ground beside her without care.  It's body hits the sand, and it doesn't move again.  

  It's at that moment that she notices how warm this area of the planet is.  Even the breeze coming off the ocean isn't as cold as she expected.  It shoos away whatever chill is left in her bones from the Domo, and replaces it with a lingering warmth.  

  She feels a warm liquid dripping down her forehead, and she lifts a hand up to her skin.  She peels her fingers away, and they come stained with blood that she knows isn't hers.  She grimaces, rubbing it in between her pointer finger and thumb before wiping it on her sleeve.  Her hair blows in front of her face, and she pushes it back behind her ear just as a sharp gust of wind blows past her.  

  Makkari appears with the wind, leaving streaks of gold in the air behind her that disappear just as quickly as they came.  She's grinning and looking at Morgana proudly, and Morgana can't help but grin back despite the splatters of Deviant blood on her skin.  

  "I saw you fight."  Makkari signs, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

  Morgana mimics her, raising a brow and tilting her head in question.  "Did you?"  She asks somewhat teasingly, hands moving quickly.  

  Makkari pauses for just a moment, something Morgana wouldn't have noticed if she wasn't paying attention.  But she is- she always is- and she notes the minuscule stutter of movement before Makkari smirks again.  

  "Yes.  Now come one, the others are arriving."  Makkari signs, hands flying in the air between them as she nods her head at the cliff behind her.  Above it, she can see the Domo start to reveal itself.  

  Morgana nods, and Makkari moves forward.  She wraps one arm around Morgana's waist, and then there's a sudden gust of warm air, and everything around her goes blurry as she feels herself rushing forward.  Not even a second later, it comes to a sudden halt as Makkari comes to an abrupt stop just next to the others.  

  She inhales sharply, chuckling as Makkari looks at her knowingly.  

  As the others appear on the ground next to them, coming down from the Domo and standing amongst the others, Druig comes to stand next to Morgana and Makkari.  She throws him a smirk, then looks back to the humans.  

  She examines them, examines what seems to be their camp, and examines the area surrounding it.  Her eyes catch every little detail- from the smoldering embers of what was once a fire, to the group of children huddled near one of the crude tents.

  As Sersi makes first contact with the boy from the beach, Morgana watches.  She watches like she does everything else, and she watches like she will in the future of the planet.  

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