the years

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  Over the next couple thousand years, the Eternals help the humans evolve.  They fight Deviants and protect the humans from them as they push the human's evolution.  They show them how to set roots, they show them how to grow crops and raise cattle and horses and a million others things.  They show them how to make weapons and how to protect themselves from anything that could hurt them.  

  The humans, in turn, begin to treat them like deities- like Gods.  With the help of Sprite's stories and illusions, the humans start to make up myths and stories of their own.  At some point or another, those myths become real.  The Eternals aren't quite sure how it happened, but at various points in human history, pantheons of Gods and deities are formed.  

  Morgana spends the years helping humans advance in other ways.  She teaches them how to make medicine and how to use plants for things other than eating.  She introduces dances and music and art into their cultures.  She teaches little girls how to braid and she teaches little boys how to pick flowers for those same little girls.  She helps them evolve in soul- in love, in humanities, in heart, in spirit.  She cares about them- more than she probably should.  

  But over the years something else evolves.  What was once a hesitant little thing between her and Druig and Makkari turns into something more.  Lingering looks turn into lingering touches.  Stolen stares from across the room turn into an "accidental" brushing of knuckles in the corridors of the Domo.  Occasional visits to the others rooms turn into hours upon hours spent talking about everything and nothing.  The bottled up feelings turn into emotions shared late at night- when they cry to each other, when they laugh, when they celebrate.  

  They become friends.  Not quite lovers- not yet, at least, though Morgana wishes they were- but something more than what friendships consist of.  They take care of each other, they help each other, they talk and they listen and they communicate.  Morgana teaches them how to dance and how to immerse themselves with the humans more.  She teaches them trades she taught the humans and she teaches them cultures.  

  What were once small towns turn into empires and kingdoms before Morgana's eyes.  Crude stone knives evolve into legendary weapons.  Sprite's stories turn into legends forged by the humans.  Those little girls with braids turn into mothers, and those little boys picking flowers turn into fathers.

  Humans become other things.  They become foragers, warriors, voyagers, explorers, artists, musicians, lovers, farmers, kings and queens... Suddenly for them, life is about more than surviving.  It's about living- truly living to the fullest extent. 

  The other Eternals take note of the three of them.  They note the looks, the stares, the smiles and touches.  The smiles and touches especially.  Druig's indifferent looks turn into soft smiles whenever one of the girls walks into the room.  Morgana- who usually refrains from touching people more than she needs to- doesn't ever hesitate to pull Druig or Makkari into her arms.  She never hesitates to hold their hands.  She never hesitates to press her forehead against Makkari's after a particularly hard fight against Deviants.  She never hesitates to press her head against Druig's shoulder when he's worried.  And Makkari slows down when they're around.  She's enjoys the moments with them, and slows down as much as possible so those moments last longer.  She slows down so they can keep up when they all walk through the cities or around the Domo.  She slows down so she can see their faces when they smile.  

  None of it goes unnoticed by the other Eternals.  But apparently, it goes unnoticed by themselves.  They think its friendship, though they wish it were more.  Each of the three of them says nothing about their feelings, too scared to be rejected and ruin the relationship they've formed.  So they stay quiet, each of them, and they take what they can get.

  And what they can get is enough.  It's enough for a couple thousand years, at least.  Because those years bleed together.  What's a lifetime for humans speeds by in the blink of any one of their eyes.  

  But it all happens anyway.  They can't slow the progress of humans- they can't stop evolution.  So they watch, and they wait.  They wait for Deviants, wait for wars, wait for kingdoms yet to come.  

  It seems like they spend all their time waiting.          

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