the awakening

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  "It is time."

  The words echo throughout the room, reverberating off the walls and echoing in their minds.

  When Morgana opens her eyes, the first thing she sees is a statue of Arishem, glaring down on her.  It stands in a pool of water, one that her and the other ten Eternals sit around.  She stands up, making her way to the wall behind her just as the rest do.  She turns around, putting the cold wall to her back and facing the windows on the other side of the room that look out into space.  

  Golden, glowing lines of cosmic energy wrap around her body.  Warmth spreads from them, bringing feeling to her otherwise numb hands as they form armor around her body.  It's quick- but then again, she supposes it always is- and within seconds she's clad in grey metal armor, intersected by black lines.  

  She blinks a few times, standing in place as the others begin to step away from the wall.  Some interact with each other, some leave the room, and some move by themselves towards the window.  Unfortunately, she doesn't know any of their names- except for Ajak.  But Ajak's name is already echoing through her head as their leader.  It's one of the few things she presently knows.  All of her memories of Olympia are strangely blurry and distant, but she figures that they would be after traveling through the universe.  

  A minute goes by, and Morgana begins to sink further into the shadows until she pushes herself off the wall.  Her feet bring her to the other side of the room and to one of the large windows.  As she approaches, more and more expanses of stars enter her view, and when she comes to a stop at the window, she can look down onto the planet they call Earth.

  It's a swirling mix of white, green, and blue mostly.  Small areas of brown dot the planet, and she notes that the swirls of white don't actually seem to be on the surface- they must be in the atmosphere, some form of weather on the planet.  She thinks about what they'll find there- how advanced the humans are, how many Deviants prowl the surface of the planet, what other creatures share Earth with the humans...

  In the reflection of the window, she catches sight of someone walking up to her from behind.  His hair is dark and inky, and his suit is black, inlaid with red lines.  His eyes- blue, not quite like the water on Earth, but similar enough- lock onto hers and he smirks as he stops next to her.  

  She turns to face him, expression one of indifference, but also curiosity.  

  He glances out the window, at the planet below them, and she follows his gaze.  She can tell he looks back up at her, but she keeps her eyes on Earth, watching as the masses of white swirl around in the atmosphere. 

  "It certainly is beautiful."  He comments.  His voice carries a strange accent, one that she's sure she'll be able to connect to a certain area of Earth at some point in the future.  

  She hums in response.  "It is."  She replies, and finds that her voice carries an accent of its own.  It's less noticeable than his, but it's still there.  "It's a shame the Deviants got to it first." 

  He chuckles lowly, and she looks up at him, one eyebrow raised in question.  Her expression tells him to go on. 

  "I wasn't talking about the planet." 

  Just then, a pair of footsteps catches their attention, and they both turn their focus to behind Morgana.  A girl walks over, long brown hair braided and tied up in a ponytail.  Her armor is mostly red, though there's some areas of black on it.  Her eyes match her hair- brown- but when the light catches it, Morgana notes specks of gold inlaid in her irises. 

  The girl's features are sharp, a contrast to the boy's softer ones.  When she stops in front of them, a smirk is etched permanently on her face.

  "How long do you think we have until we reach the planet?"  The girl asks, speaking with her hands.  One of her prominent eyebrows raises in curiosity as she glances between the other two and out the window. 

  Morgana shifts back a step so the girl can move forward and see the planet properly.  She waits until the girl looks back to her, and then she answers. 

  "I don't know."  Morgan answers, both signing and speaking, eyes glancing between the girl and the boy.  "No more than half an hour, I would say." 

  "Well I suppose that's time enough for introductions."  The boy says, doing the same as Morgana.  He allows a small smirk to slip onto his face before he speaks again.  "I'm Druig."

  He holds out his hand to the girl, who stands in the middle of their little group.  The girl shakes it quickly, and then the boy- Druig, as he's said- moves to shake Morgana's hand.  She slots her hand into his, and makes a point to ignore the small spark of energy she seems to feel.  She shrugs it off as an aftereffect of waking up.  

  Once he slips his hand out of hers, the girl in between them wiggles her fingers, gaining their attention.  "I'm Makkari."  She signs, spelling out each letter of her name and then offering another sign for it, just as Druig had done.  She shakes Morgana's hand first, and once again, she ignores the small hum of energy that passes between them.  She notes that Makkari's skin is naturally warmer than Druig's.  

  Makkari switches to shake Druig's hand, and Morgana watches as the two smirk at each other like children ready to cause mischief.  She thinks they might, what with the glint in their eyes as the three of them introduce themselves.  There's some bond between them, she can feel it.  She knows they feel it, too.  And maybe they knew each other on Olympia, but she knows for a fact that if that were the case, she would have remembered them.  Never in a million years would she allow herself to forget faces such as theirs, so the feeling between them must be something else she's not aware of. 

  But then they look to her, and with a slight start she realizes she hasn't introduced herself.  She chooses to put off the feeling for later as she smiles gently. 

  "My name is Morgana." 



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