the wedding

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  A few days before they had left Babylon, Sersi and Ikaris announced that they were getting married.  Morgana would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised, but she was happy for Sersi nonetheless.  She knows Sersi had watched humans get married throughout the centuries and she knows she wished for something like that for herself.  Morgana is happy that Sersi is finally able to get it.  

  Druig and Makkari feel the same.  Makkari is more obvious about it, congratulating Sersi endlessly and hugging her constantly.  Druig is a little more reserved, but by the way he offered congratulations and smiled softly at Sersi, they can tell he's happy for them.  

  They wait until they all leave Babylon and move to the Gupta Empire.  They save the city from various Deviants, and upon explaining that they are looking to get married, the citizens are more than happy to oblige.  

  The day of the wedding, citizens from the city take each of them into separate buildings to fit them for the traditional clothing there.  Morgana is dragged by three different women into a house by a river, upon which they begin talking amongst themselves, talking about which color matches her best and which way to style her clothing.  

  One of the woman guides her to the middle of the room, which- looking around now- Morgana realizes must be their home.  There's small, wooden toys scattered on the ground, along with what seem to be baby blankets.  There's remnants of children living in the home, something that makes Morgana smile. 

  One of the women- Brinda, if she's remembering correctly- follows her line of sight, and then smiles.  

  "My children always forget to clean up."  She says, smiling softly as she walks around Morgana, examining her hair and her face and the plain clothes she wears.  "If I had known I had a Goddess in my home, I would have started cleaning ages ago."  She laughs.

  Morgana smiles lightly as one of the other two women returns with a bundle of fabric.  "It's alright.  This is your home, I have no right to judge you."

  Brinda smiles at that, and then returns to Morgana's front.  "Thank you.  Now, what color do you prefer?"  She asks, gesturing to the various colors of fabric- which Morgana now realizes are some kind of robes.  

  Morgana smiles, looking back to the woman.  "Whatever you think is best."


  In the end, they adorn her in a grey-blue robe, with a sash laced with light grey that is tied tight to her waist.  They braid two pieces of her hair back and tie them together at the back of her head, and Brinda looks proud of it when it's done.  

  She stands in front of Morgana, adjusting the sash so it sits better on her shoulder when her eyes catch sight of the ring on her finger.  Brinda raises an eyebrow, a small smile taking place on her lips. 

  She looks back up as she continues adjusting her sash.  "If you don't mind my asking, did that boy get the ring for you?  As a symbol of love?"  Brinda asks. 

  Morgana, who had previously been looking out the window, looks towards Brinda with a slight start.  Then she follows the woman's gaze, and her eyes land on her ring.  It's one Makkari had stolen, and had come in a set of three.  Druig and Makkari had the other two, a symbol of their friendship.  

  "The boy?"  She asks, curious as to who the woman is talking about.  

  "The one with the red and black armor."  Brinda informs.  

  Morgana wishes she could say she didn't immediately blush at the thought of him.  But she would be lying.  

  "Oh, no.  Just-"

  Brinda nods in understanding before she can even finish her sentence.  "I see.  The girl, then.  The fast one."  At that, Morgana's blush deepens, and Brinda chuckles.  Morgana doesn't even try to deny it, not trusting of her own voice.  "Ah, so the both of them." 

  Morgana doesn't deny nor confirm what the woman says.  


  By the time Morgana is let out of the house, after the three women fawning over her hair and robes and whatever else, it's sunset.  The golden light splays over the walls of buildings and the sides of her face as she walks down the street to where they had set to meet.  

  As she's walking, she's hit with the realization that she'll be late if she doesn't hurry.  With a gasp that quickly turns into a laugh, she picks up the sides of her sari and begins to run.  She's barefoot, as she prefers to be, and when she turns a corner, she sees the rest of them already gathered.  

  She approaches them quickly, and Ajak is the first to see her, throwing her hands up in the air playfully as Morgana laughs bashfully.  

  "I thought Sersi was the one who's always late!"  Ajak exclaims, but grins as Morgana slows to a stop next to her.  She stands at the end of the group, grinning brightly.  

  "I'm sorry!"  She exclaims, voice hushed as she grins brightly, standing next to Kingo at the back and nudging him slightly.  "I was going to leave and then her children came home and insisted on putting flowers in my hair, and frankly, I couldn't escape."

  She lets the sides of her sari drop now that she's not running, and quickly folds her hands, grinning at Kingo as he sends one back in return.  Ajak turns back around, rolling her eyes with a smile, and as soon as she does, a hand grips her bicep from behind. 

  Before she can even turn around, Makkari is pulling her back and then to the other side of the group.  She chuckles slightly, and when she's placed in between Makkari and Druig, she grins at the other girl.  She looks forward, shifting on her feet slightly as she folds her hands neatly in front of her.  

  Just the, what she assumes is the wedding procession comes out, with two girls in front tossing flower petals onto the aisle as they walk.  Morgana smiles as two little girls run quickly across the aisle and sit on cushions on the floor on the other side.  

  The wedding goes by quick, and by the end, when Sersi and Ikaris are officially married, there are tears from a few of them.  Ajak, mainly.  

  When the whole thing is over, and the Eternals are led back to the houses in which they'll be staying in for the duration of their stay, Morgana can't stop smiling. 


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