the aftermath

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  When Morgana gets back to the Domo, she locks herself in her room.  She sits on her bed, doing nothing but watching the sky shift outside her window.  In the distance, the sky is tinted an orange from the fires, and smoke rises up only to be mixed with the black of the night. 

  Her hands grip the bedsheets, tears pricking her eyes and threatening to spill again.  Her hair has long since escaped from its once neat braid, and now hangs loosely around her shoulders and down her back.  

  She becomes hyperaware of the corset cinched around her torso, and how tight it feels now when it had once been comfortable.  She doesn't know how long she's been wearing it, between waking up that morning and picking berries, and then being put to sleep by Druig, and waking up just an hour or two prior.  She's quick to take it off, hands reaching back to untie it quickly and loosen the leather laces.  She shrugs it off, throwing it to the side and onto the floor as she flattens her hand against her chest, forcing herself to take deep breaths.  

  Her eyes land on the bed, where she had been laying with Druig and Makkari just an hour before.  She feels bad for leaving them without notice, because she knows she worried them.  She knows they panicked when they woke up and couldn't find her.  Her eyebrows furrow in slight guilt as she forces her gaze away and back to the window.  

  Tiredness hits her hard and fast.  She's tired mentally, and now, after all that's happened, she's tired physically.  In the reflection of the window, she catches sight of the fading glow of orange in her eyes, and she just now notices that her hands are still warmer than they usually are.  She feels her eyes begin to droop, but the worry and slight paranoia refuse to let her sleep.  

  She begins to pace the room, trying to find something to do to pass the time.  Her hands shake as she fidgets with her fingers, spinning her rings around them.  Somewhere in the Domo she hears the others get back, but she pays it no mind as she continues to pace, crossing the room to the door, then back to her window, then to her bed.  It's a continuous cycle, one that only lasts a minute or two before someone is knocking on her door- hard enough to get her attention, but soft enough to not startle her.  

  She pauses, her pacing having brought her right in front of the door.  She doesn't know who it is, and she doesn't really feel like talking to anyone right now.  She doesn't even really want company.  For a moment, she thinks about pretending to be asleep until whoever it is passes her room or leaves.  That thought is quickly blown away when a voice speaks softly from the other side of the door. 

  "Morgana?"  Druig calls out, his voice probably the softest she's ever heard it.  "It's us." 

  All thoughts about not wanting company are gone now that she knows it's them.  She takes the few steps to the door and swings it open quickly.  She's met with Makkari and Druig standing side by side in her doorway.  She knows they catch onto her slow movements, and by the way Makkari's eyes flicker up to her face, she knows they see how tired she is.  

  "Do you want us to leave?"  Makkari asks instantly, movements halting ever so slightly with an emotion Morgana can't quite place. 

  Morgana's answer is instantaneous.  She doesn't even need to think about it.  "No.  I'd never ask either of you to leave." 

  But despite her answer, she's still tired, and she doesn't feel like talking about the whole endeavor.  Ever.  

  "Let's go to bed."  Druig says, shutting the door as quietly as possible behind him.  "And this time, you actually sleep."  

  Unlike last time, they make her sleep in between them.  She'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it, as Makkari drapes an arm over her waist and nuzzles her forehead into Morgana's chest.  In turn, she places her chin on the top of Makkari's head, fingers scratching at the girl's scalp.  Behind her, she can feel Druig rest his forehead in the middle of her shoulder blades, arm draping over her waist just above Makkari's.  Their legs tangle together, and Morgana falls asleep peacefully.  

  The next morning, none of the Eternals say anything when the three of them emerge from her room and join the rest for breakfast.  None of them ever say anything about the burnings.   

a/n: uhhh don't mention how short this chapter is.  Also I fucked up the chronological timeline so I'm gonna have to go back and edit some chapters lmao          

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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