1.back in town

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You sigh and enter town.

"(y/n) hola how's school?" someone ask

"great! i finish in a few months and i'll be a doctor" you force a smile

"(y/n) welcome home!" someone else said

"gracias. it's great to be back"

after greeting and smiling at a lot of people you get to your parents house.

"my angel!" you hear and your mom hugs you.

"hola mami" you kiss her cheek.

"i thought you was coming in later"

"nothing can keep me away from you mami. " you smile big

she kisses your cheek

"well then we can go through the plan easier. papi and I spoke with Señora Madrigal... you are going to marry her grand daughter Isabela. " she smiles big

your eyes widen. Señorita perfecta Isabela? You don't hate the girl but think she's a bit stuck up.

"but mami..." you start

she gives you a look so you force a smile

"sounds perfect mami.. i'm going to go look for papi" you tell her.

your dad is a more sane. he just goes with whatever your mom wants but he always wants you happy. he just doesn't have a backbone when it comes to his wife.

meanwhile back at the madrigal house Dolores informs Alma you are back in town earlier than planned.

"oh perfect. Isabela that means you and (y/n) can spend more time together before you two get married. " Alma tells her grand daughter.

Isabela forces a smile. she doesn't hate you but she thinks you are full of yourself. Soccer star at school and first to go to college in the states. girls always swoon over you and she didn't like that you would always flash a smile to get girls to fall for you.

"that's great Abuela."

"we will talk more after tonight's party. " she states.

{back to you}

You help your dad with the donkeys. a soccer ball rolls over.

"hey (y/n) a little help!" one of the kids say

you smile and do some tricks with the ball before kicking it over

"woah you are so cool!" the kids tell you

you laugh and thank them for the compliment.

"just like your old man" your dad said and pays your back

"always. " you smile

"go get ready we are going to the Madrigals for a party. next party would probably be your wedding" your dad jokes the last part

you roll your eyes playfully at him and head inside to change. you put your ruana on and smile. you don't wear it in the states because you feel like people don't understand so you are happy to have it back on.

"oh Dr (L/N) are you ready?" your mom ask

"si mami." you tell her

she looks at you and smiles.

"so handsome" she kisses your cheek.

you smile and head over with your parents. maybe you can get away with not being near Isabela tonight if your mom doesn't find her. that's wishful thinking since Isabela is always the center of attention always. in school people was shocked you both never dated. but you two did kiss before during a game of truth or dare but after that Isabela seem to have ignored you.


It's your last senior year of high school and the day after the party. you see Isabela talking with some girl and Isabela seems pissed. maybe you can make her day better. you walk over since that kiss kind of meant something to you.

"hey Isabela... I was wonder if maybe we ca-" you start but she walks away

you confused follow her

"uh Isabela" you say

"look if this is about last night that was just a dare.. not all girls are going to swoon at you" she rolls her eyes

you watch her walk away and that hurt. you thought she was different.

{end of flashback }

You go in with your family and your parents wonder off. you sigh and look around. you of course see Isabela but she looks more mature than when you last saw her. you watch her dance with some kids and make them flower crowns. you smile as that scene melts your heart. when it comes to kids that's your weak spot.

"wow" you mumble to your self.

"(y/n).. it's wonderful to see you. you should go speak with Isabela. " you see Julieta.

"oh hola señora Julieta. I will right now. it's great to see you as well" You smile at her.

guess not having to go near Isabela wasn't gonna happen. You slowly make your way over. You see her dancing and use that as your opportunity. you dance your way when she isn't paying attention and get hold of her. she's shock but you two dance in sync. people cheer and you pull her close so you can whisper in her ear

"how about we give them a little show?"

"let's see if you can keep up" she whispers back moving from you

you two seem to have chemistry on the dance floor. everyone seems to be enjoying it. Isabela puts a rose in your mouth and you hold it by the stem between your teeth and when you dip her you exchange it with her. she grabs it with her mouth and that seems to drive everyone crazy. you two bow and everyone just has a good time dancing.

"you did great" you tell her

"you wasn't bad yourself. " she smiles small

"hey do you think maybe we can.. sit down and talk? my parents told me about the whole marriage thing and.." you start to say

you are cut off by Dolores motioning her cousin over. for the rest of the night Isabela makes reasons to ignore you. so after a while you just had enough and grab her and pull her outside.

"hey!" she said and crosses her arms

"i just wanted to talk to you please. none of this was my idea.. the proposal that is. " you tell her

"well we just have to deal with it. whatever is best for the encanto" she said and heads in

that girl is something else.

señor perfecto (isabela x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now