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you feel bad for leaving early last night. you head to casita and see Antonio playing with the soccer ball you got him.

"Antonio!" you say

he smiles big and runs to you. you hug the young boy and he hugs back.

"i've missed you" antonio tells you

"i've missed you too. you know i'm sorry i missed last night. my mami is sick. " you tell the boy

"oh it's okay. my gift is talking to animals! i read my books to them that you got me" he said smiling.

"oh that's awesome! a gift that fits you." you smile

you two talk about animals. a bee comes over and says something to Antonio who nods.

"Isabela is sad about you. my friend here heard her crying about (n/n) and she only calls you that" the young boy said

"oh.. uh i'll talk to her later. " you said but you don't want to.

"she's upstairs!" Antonio said

"oh Tonito she might be busy.." you start

Antonio grabs your hand and drag you upstairs. 

"i don't think this is a good idea " you tell him scared to face her

"it's not. " he said

he knocks and then runs off giggling. he set you up.  you turn to go but hear the door open

"(y/n)..." she said

you turn and look at her. her eyes look puffy.

"your eyes.. " you get instantly sad.

"come in before some sees you. " she said

she pulls you in the room before you can say anything.

"why'd you come?" she ask looking at her hands.

"well uh.. i came to see Antonio then his bee friend said you was sad. he tricked me into coming up here then left" you explain

"oh" is all isabela can say

"so Mariano.. you two look.. happy"  there is so much hatred on your last word

"abuela set us up. she said i needed to marry before i'm too old and you wasn't perfect. your tia told her about you " she said

"well i guess you moved on because you so willingly kissed him" you said crossing your arms

"oh well you didn't care! you had your hands all over that puta! " she steps closer and poke you in the chest

"you started it. you danced with someone else. you two had no chemistry on that dance floor. he looked like a fish out of water. nobody i mean nobody knows how to move with your body like me." you said as you pull her closer to you by her waist

you are both angry at this point. mostly angry at yourselves.

"oh is that so? you know my body?" she ask

she slowly leans in

"yeah I do. " you said

you kiss her. she kisses back with a hunger for you. you bite her lower lip and she gasp. you stick your tongue in her mouth and you both make out. after about 3 minutes you both pull away breathing heavy.

"i've missed you" you admit

"i missed you too Señor imperfecto " she said

you smile and push the hair out her face.

señor perfecto (isabela x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now