9. felicidades

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You've been a teacher while you came back. it's your 2 months with your students. Your mother is slowly getting better. right now it's recess and your students who are around 7-8 have you playing soccer with them. you are laughing and playing with them in the yard.

"oh Dr (y/n)" you hear

you turn your head and see Isabela there.

"i'll be back " you said to your kids and walk over to Isabela

"hey.. what are you doing here? " you ask smiling

"you forgot your bag of prizes of the week in my room this morning... thought you would need it" she said smiling

"you are a life saver" you said smiling.

you kiss her cheek quickly and hear the girls squeal excited and some boys go ew.

"your students are waiting on you... i'll see you for dinner. Your mother invited me over" she said

"see you then " you smile

"i love you " she said

"i love you too" you said smiling

you turn to your students and continue playing with them.

"are you married ?" one of the little girls asked

"oh no i'm not married... that's my girlfriend Isabela" you said

"why aren't you married?" she ask

"because i didn't propose" you said

"well you should before another guy does. she's really pretty. my mami said pretty girls get married fast. you wouldn't want to lose your chance" she said before running off.

Isabela wouldn't marry anyone else.. right? now you are starting to think. you take the kids back inside and finish out the day.

you walk home after your students all head home. You sigh as you think of Isabela getting bored of you.

the moment you enter your house you hear your mom laughing.curiously you walk to the kitchen. she's sitting there with Isabela as they talk. your mom noticed you first

"oh my angel welcome home" your mom said

"hola mami" you said and kiss her cheek

Isabela smiles at you.

"hi amor" she said

"hi" you said before pecking her lips.

"isabela is staying the night " your mom said

"is that okay with you?" Isabela ask

"sounds wonderful.. i'm going to shower real quick. excuse me.  " you smile.

you go get your clothes out to change and head to shower. after you shower you go to your room in a towel so you can change there. you see Isabela there putting her stuff in one of your drawers.

"claiming a drawer?" you ask amused

she jumps and turns.

"maybe" she said smiling

you chuckle and change. you feel eyes on you the whole time.

"take a picture it will last longer" you said

Isabela blushes and looks away. you walk over to her and hug her. she hugs back.

"you smell nice" she said

"thank you.i call this scent.. soap" you said in a joking tone

she laughs and you can't help but smile. that laugh is your favorite sound.

"i have a question" you said

she looks up at you

"are you.. are you happy with me? like are you getting bored of me?" you ask not wanting to look at her.

"what? i love you (y/n). i could never get bored of you. where is this coming from?" she ask concern

"i.. i don't know. i just want to marry you but i don't know if you still want me" you admit

she grabs your face and make you look at her.

"yes i want to marry you.. all you have to do is ask . yes i want to be with you. i am in love with you. " she said reassuringly.

you kiss her gently and she kisses back. you pull away and look at her.

"i'm in love with you too. " you said smiling small

"i don't want you to ever doubt my feelings for you" she tells you

"i'm sorry... we just was away from each other for a long time. i guess i just needed a bit of reassurance. "

she kisses all over your face

"my man. mi novio. my best friend. mi vida. " Isabela said

you chuckle and she stops and smiles at you.

"isabela" you hear your mom call out

"go help her. i'll be there in a minute. " you smile.

Isabela nods and goes to your mom. you look in your drawer by your bed and take out a ring box. you put it in your pocket. 

you take a deep breath and walk to the dining room.

"we was just about to call you " your mom said

"well i'm here now" you smile.

you kiss your moms cheek and sit next to Isabela. your dad walks in

"something smells good" he said

"Isabela helped me with dinner" your mom said.

you all sit and eat dinner.

"so mijo... how's working with the kids?" your dad ask

"oh it's been amazing.. well one of the kids actually asked me something interesting . " you said

"what's that?" your mom asked before sipping her water

"well.. Isabela dropped off the prizes i forgot for my students and then one asked if she was my wife. i let her know that Isa is my girlfriend " you said

"maybe she had a crush on you " Isabela joked

"well it got me thinking ... Isa you know that i love you. i know you love me. I can't imagine life without you. i spent a while away from you and it broke my heart. i don't think i can ever be away from you again.. without having you as my wife that is... " you said

you get down on one knee and take out the ring. Isabela gasp and your parents smile at you.

"Isabela Madrigal would you marry me?" you ask hopeful looking at her

"yes! a thousand times yes. " she said

you put the ring on her finger and lightly kiss her. she smiles and kisses back. you pull away and your parents are clapping happy for you two.

"felicidades" your parents say in unison

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