5.secrets revealed

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You come home after seeing Isabela after that fight with your tia. you see your mom standing there with her arms crossed. in front of her is pictures from back at college. pictures where your hair is dyed. pictures from when you got your teaching degree. pictures of you eating unhealthy. The complete opposite of what she wished for you. you know you're fucked.

"what is all this!" she shouts

you flinch not use to hearing her scream unless she's really pissed which you and your dad try to keep from happening.

"mami" you start

"you are suppose to become a doctor and be a respectful young man. these people are corrupting you. " she said


"shh im talking! .. what would everyone think? my son is a doctor not come colorful haired loser!" she shouts

It seems like Tia Jessica really corrupted her. no doubt she got all that from your room from that smirk on her face. you had those things under your mattress so tia jessica was snooping.

"Mami! i don't want to be a stupid doctor!" you shout

she looks at you shock. you never raised your voice at your mother in your life.

"go pack your bags. you will go back to school and not come back until you finish your studies to be a doctor." she said

"mi vida" your dad starts to say.

she storms out the house. you sigh and run a hand through your hair.

"told you something was off about him." Tia jessica said

"oh shut up Jessica" both you and your dad said

you head to your bedroom not knowing what to do. you don't want to leave Isabela but you can't disobey your mother more than you have already.

"Señor Perfecto (y/n). that's all you'll ever be. " you say to yourself.

You push everything off your desk and grab a family photo near your bed and chuck it at the wall out of frustration. You will never be good enough.

"mijo.." your dad with sadness in his eyes as he opens the door.

you can see his heart break. you push past him and run. you run and run until you can't. you collapse to your knees tired and look up and see Casita.

"casita can you get Isabela's attention" you ask

you see Isabela's window open and close. she looks out and the moment she sees you she makes a vine so she can sneak out. she comes down and you look at her.

"what happen?" she ask worried

you hug her and just cry in her neck. she rubs your back concern.

"hey do you want to come in and we talk?" she ask

you nod and you both get in her room with another vine. you sit on her bed and she sits with you worried.

"um I have to leave tomorrow. im being sent back to school." you said not looking at her

"w-what?" Isabela said shocked.

you both thought you had more time. especially since a wedding was suppose to happen in a couple months before you returned.

"im sorry. My tia found the photos i had from college... she showed my mom and she wasn't happy. she is sending me back to finish getting my Phd. " you said sadly

Isabela cries and it breaks your heart. she only cried one time in front of you before because she was over whelmed. you hold her close. you two just hold each other and cry together for a bit.

"you can't leave me.."

"i'll be back Bella. i promise you. " you said

"who am i going to have while you're gone?" she ask sadly

"you have Dolores." you point out

"i can't kiss Dolores." she said

"well the faster i finish the faster i'm back in your arms. " you said

you lightly kiss her and she kisses back.

"i will be back before Antonio turns 5 if i work extra hard. " you tell her

Antonio just turned 4 the day before. he's your best little buddy. you've been teaching him animal facts and reading animal books with him. he could already read before going to school thanks to you.

"okay.. so work hard so i can see you before his gift ceremony. You won't be with any other girl right?" she ask worried.

you shake you head.

"I won't be with any other girl. Isabela you are the only girl for me nobody else... in fact i was going to give you this later in the week but i might as well now."

you take an anklet out your pocket and it has your initials on it.

"it's beautiful" she said looking at it.

you smile and put it on her ankle.

"no matter where i am... i will always be yours. you will always be mine. " you said

you take a bracelet out your other pocket that said 'Isabela' on it and put it on your wrist. she kisses you and you kiss back. you hold her close and she wraps her arms around your neck. she pulls away slightly.

"let's make this night last..." she said and tugs at your shirt.

señor perfecto (isabela x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now