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You and Isabela are cuddling in your bed.

"can i ask you something?" Isabela said looking at you.

"hm?" you said.

you lift her shirt and put your head in her shirt so you are on her chest

"what are you doing ?" she ask laughing

"i'm getting comfortable. what do you want to ask?" you ask

"get out my shirt and i'll ask " she said

"no. it's warm in here. plus i love my two pillows in here. " you said

she hits your head and you groan and get out her shirt

"now as i was going to say... do you think we can have a honeymoon in the states? i always wanted to visit and you been there for school. " she said

"of course whatever you want" you said smiling

she smiles big excited. you play with the dyed streak in her hair.

"you need a matching streak in your hair" she said

"okay. we can do that" you said

"really?" she said surprised you agreed

"amor i had my hair dyed before. i'm more happy to do it with you" you tell her

she looks at you like she's thinking of something

"what?" you said

"i'm just trying to figure out how i got so lucky to be with you" she said

"well let's thank our families for that. they thought their two 'perfect' kids would be great together. truth was the imperfect pair makes the prefect couple. " you said

you kiss her with so much passion. she kisses back and pulls you close. you smile and pull away.

"i have a question.. do you see us having kids?" you ask playing with her hand

"i do but i don't think so soon" she said

"why not?" you ask

"well i don't know. just for the fact i want to enjoy you all to myself a little longer. call me selfish" she said

"you can be selfish with me all you want" you said and play with her hair.

she smiles happy you said that.

" we should go get ready for the day " she said

you groan but get up. you both change and go have breakfast in a diner instead of with family so you can have some quality time.

"so we have a lot to plan for the wedding. " Isabela said

"i'm happy doing whatever you want.. as long as i get to marry you i'm happy" you said with a smile

"so if i wanted to have a bright pink wedding you'd be okay with it?" she ask

"mi amor.. you don't like pink" you said and chuckle

"that's not an answer" she said

"okay okay... yes even if you wanted a bright pink wedding i'd be okay with it. but since that's not what you'd want, tell me what you do want " you said

"i want to make the venue in the clearing we went on a date. a lot of exotic plants. oh my God it will be beautiful" she said daydreaming.

you smile at the look on her face as her eyes sparkle. she describes her dream wedding to you and you take note of everything mentally.

"i know my papi has a dance in mind for us so i have to make him practice. do you and your mami have a song to dance to?" she asked

"yeah we do. it's a very special one. you are just going to have to wait and see" you said

"you know i don't think i ever seen your mom dance" Isabela said

"yeah it's been a while but she's the one who taught me to dance. when she dances with my father she always leads" you said and chuckle

Isabela giggles just imagining your mom pulling your dad around on the dance floor.

"so what shall we do today ?" Isabela asks

"well i have to do a quick errand then i'm all yours. " you said

Isabela pouts and you peck her lips

"doing things without me" she said

"it's something quick and it's for you mi vida. " you said

"hm.. well i do like your surprises so fine. i guess i'll tell them about the engagement alone. " she said

"im sorry" you said feeling bad

"it's okay.. as long as i get you after" she said

"you have me forever " you said smiling at her

she smiles back. you two finish up and you walk her to casita. you look at your watch.

"Mi amor i have time to tell your family with you but i have to leave after. " you inform her

she smiles big happy you will be with her. you grabs your hand and drags you inside. the Madrigals are just about to leave the table after breakfast.

"oh Isa you just missed breakfast. " Mirabel said

"it's okay we ate already. we also have some news." Isabela said

everyone can feel the happiness radiating off of her. Dolores looks ready to break.

"congratulations " she says and hugs her older cousin.

the girls hug and everyone looks at them confused.

"we are getting married " you announce smiling big loving seeing your fiancée so happy.

everyone shouts their congratulations and everyone gets hug.

"i'm sorry Id love to celebrate but I have some business to take care of. " you apologize

"you better celebrate with us later" Alma said smiling at you

you promise you will. you peck Isabela's lips and give the older women all a kiss on the cheek before leaving. you have a big surprise waiting for the eldest madrigal grandchild.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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