2.picnic talk

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You sigh as it's the day after and you have to go on a date with Isabela. you decide to do a picnic because that surely can't go wrong right? your mom wanted you to do something in town so people can see the happy couple but you wasn't about to do that.

when you was back in the states you didn't have to put on a front. you are studying to be a doctor but you have your teaching license since you did that secretly along with your other studies. You just want to be a teacher and watch kids grow. you sigh and get the picnic basket you prepared and head to the Madrigal house.

"he's almost here " Dolores tells her cousin

Isabela sighs as she's sitting with her prima

"why do i even have to do this? he's a full of himself jerk. pretty boy señor perfecto who went to college" Isabela huffs

"didn't you like him at one point?" Dolores ask

"i did but Giselle told me he was just using me since he was already talking to her." Isabela said remember that day.

After you two kisses Giselle lied so she can get you but you wasn't interested.

"but they never talked. He didn't even know Giselle existed."

"what? why didn't you tell me?" Isabela whisper shouts not wanting to hurt Dolores's ears

"you never asked.. he's at the door" she hums then walks off

Isabela goes downstairs and you aren't there. casita opens the door and she goes and sees you in the front playing with Antonio and a soccer ball. you was showing him how to do tricks. she smiles small and watches you interact with her youngest cousin.

she shakes her head. no she can't think you are cute or anything like that.

you notice Isabela.

"i'll see you later Antonio. I'm taking your prima out on a date. " you ruffle his hair

he hugs you then runs off with his ball.

"let's go " Isabela said and start walking

you sigh and you two walk. you guide her into the woods and when you get to a clearing you set down the blanket.

"Uh i don't know if these are still your favorites or not" you say low

you take out her favorite foods and she looks at you.

"how'd you know?" she ask

"high school" you said

you two eat in silence.

"so.. you're going to be a doctor.."

"yeah that's what my mami wants me to do. i have a few more classes then i'm a doctor. i would've done summer classes but mami said i had to come home since she missed me... more like she wanted to wed me off. " you look down at your food.

"yeah my abuela heard from the ladies in town that you was going to be a doctor so i guess she jumped to talk with your mami so we can be together. " Isabela said while she makes flowers around you both out of nerves.

"well I want to get to know you señorita perfecta.. not just what the town says about you. oh she's so beautiful and graceful. " you joke

"whatever señor Perfecto. oh he's so smart and handsome. look at those muscles. i hope he examines me. " she jokes back smirking

you blush and grab your drink. you drink and turn away from her

"aww is the doctor blushing "

"oh hush up "

you two talk a bit. she tells you about what's been going on while you was gone and you tell her stories about the states and how it's so different.

"i expect you to bring me back some clothes after you finish your classes" Isabela tells you

"well their fashion there is interesting. i got weird looks when i wore my ruana. i've missed it. " you smile playing with the strings on your ruana.

"screw what they think" she said

"look who's talking" you said

"what are you talking about?" she raise an eyebrow

"you clearly care what everyone thinks especially your abuela. "

"well you too especially what your mami thinks"

"never denied it. you seem to not want to admit it though... let me tell you a secret. I feel free in the states. i actually got my teaching license. i want to be a teacher. I don't have to do my hair all perfect.... i dyed my hair but put it back before coming home. " you tell her.

she looks shock.

"so you aren't perfect..."

"I'm señor Perfecto here but i can be (y/n) else where" you explain

Isabela starts to think maybe she will be happy in the states. maybe she could run away with you.

"hm if my abuela knew you wasn't perfect then i wouldn't marry you. " she said

"well i hope you don't say anything because it will break my mamis heart." you said

"oh i won't. you are seen as the 'most perfect' guy so my abuela said it would be perfect to marry you. "

you both sigh at the same time.

"who knew we'd be our families puppets.." she said sadly.

you didn't know but this is the start of you getting Señorita perfecta to open up and just be Isabela with you

señor perfecto (isabela x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now