4. El héroe y la bruja

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You are currently helping your dad by chopping wood. you are in a tank top and you hear a whistle. you look up and see Isabela smirking at you.

"hey Bella " you said smiling at her.

"well hello amor. " she said

she walks over and you put the axe down.

"how long have you been watching?" you ask amused

"oh you know just a few minutes... you look really attractive when you cut wood" she said

you blush a bit

"thank you" you say and peck her lips

"well my abuela invited you to have dinner with us tonight... only if you are free Señor doctor"

"well i don't know if I can tonight. my tia is coming over. you know the one that she can never keep a man but it's only because her attitude is just disgusting?" you said

she nods and cringes at the thought of your tia Jessica who is basically a menace when she comes to town. she's worse than a karen.

"ugh but i wanted to spend time with you amor." Isabela pouts.

you pull her close and put a piece of hair behind her ear.

"hey we are going to have time together. i know it's hard. we can only be our true selves together alone. how about this... tomorrow we can go star gazing and i can explain the constellations. " you said looking in her eyes

"deal." Isabela said before kissing you

you kiss back but the kiss is short since you both hear shouting

"sobrino! don't be kissing on random girls that's how you get a disease !" you hear

you groan and pull away. you put on a fake smile and see Isabela glaring at the woman. You nudge her to fix her face.

"Tia Jessica.. this is my girlfriend Isabela Madrigal. Isabela my tia Jessica. " you say introducing the two

your tia looks Isabela up and down while being loud while she chews her gum.

"oh from that family... she's not that pretty you can do better. " she walks off into the house.

you see Isabela raise her arm and notice a vine

"Bella don't." you said

she turns to you.

"you just let her basically call me ugly" she tells you hurt.

"she's a miserable person.. misery loves company. ignore her. you are the most beautiful woman around. mi vida. mi amor. mi todo. " you said while pulling her close.

"ugh i can't stay mad at your not so pretty face" she said

"i deserve that" you kiss her cheek.

"now go entertain La bruja. the faster you get her drunk enough to fall asleep the faster i see you. " Isabela said

"will do"

she pecks your lips and you watch her walk off. today is going to be a lot. you take the wood to the shed and head inside. you walk pass your tia and mom gossiping and go wash your hands and face.

"(y/n)" you hear your mom call for you

you sigh and walk into the kitchen where they are.

"si mami" you said

"where is your papi? his sister only comes once in a while and he's not even here."

"men are useless " tia jessica tells your mom

"well Arturo can be very helpful." your mom tells her about your dad

"hm he gave you this beautiful son so i guess. oh my sobrino is going to be a doctor. you know he's dating a madrigal?" tia ask your sister

"yes and he's going to marry her. that family is very highly respected here. " your mom said and you can tell she's now forcing a smile

"well they seem like a bunch of nut jobs. especially that girl he was basically tonguing down. she has no class and isn't cute enough.." your tia starts

"enough! don't talk about my girlfriend that way. You have no fucking right to disrespect her! you can't even keep a man with how DISGUSTING Your mouth is. Maybe if you was nice then a man would deal with your ass. "you shout at the woman totally over her.

she gasp and raises her hand at you. your mom grabs her by the wrist.

"i would think twice about that if i was you. " your mother said with venom in her voice

nobody dares to raise a hand at her son. your tia scoffs and heads to the guest room.

"watch her tell pa that we tried to kill her or something " you said to your mom.

"oh trust me i wouldn't have to try because i'd be successful. " your mom tells you

she rubs her temples and ask you for her headache medication. you nod and go get it. you hand it to her and she smiles at you. you get her water and she takes her medication.

"why isn't there any label on your medication?" you ask her

"i take it off because your papi is nosey." she said.

you give her a look but she doesn't look at you.

"why don't you go see Isabela? don't worry about entertaining your tia"

"you sure?" you ask

she nods. you kiss her head and go change. once you are changed you smile and head out to the madrigal house.

"oh (y/n) we didn't expect to see you today. Isabela said you was busy with your tia" agustin said seeing you.

"hola Señor agustin. well my mami.. she wanted personal time with my tia so she said i should see Isabela. is that okay?" you ask

"oh si si. she's up in her room. " he tells you

you thank him and head up to her room. you hear laughing do you knock. Dolores opens the door. she smiles at you and rushes away. you go inside confused and close the door.

"Oh, Dios mío. you are hilarious " Isabela laughs looking at you

"what do you mean?" you ask confused

"mi prima heard the whole thing. she told me how you told your tia how she can't keep a man with her disgusting mouth. " Isabela said

"well she shouldn't have talked about my woman so disrespectfully " you said and sit with her

she smiles at you and kiss your cheek.

"Mi héroe"

señor perfecto (isabela x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now