8. rebuilt

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they move the things that sheltered you and Mirabel off. you check mirabel and she seems okay

"let me help you" you hear Dolores say to Alma.

you get up and Isabela hugs you.

"god i thought i lost you" she said scared

"i'm okay. let me make sure everyone is okay. then you can yell at me about how stupid i am " you tell her

"hm you know me so well" she said

you peck her lips and check over Alma first. After you make sure little Antonio is okay since he's crying.

"Mirabel! where are you?" you hear Julieta shouting. 

you finish making sure all the madrigals are okay. everyone seem to be telling Alma about all the stress she put on them.

"I don't want to marry anyone but (y/n), I'm in love with him.. i'm not prefect. i'm sorry Abuela. I hate pink and purple. my favorite color is red. " you hear isabela admit.

you smile small knowing she loves you. everyone is searching for Mirabel. you don't notice Alma wondering off.

"look at this" you said and try to distract Antonio with a coin trick.

"where'd it go?" he ask

you "pull" the coin from behind his ear and he giggles. you smile and ruffle his hair and tell him to keep the coin.

"i never seen this kinda coin before " he said looking at it

"it's from the states. " you said smiling.

"great now Abuela wandered off " you hear Isabela said

you walk to her and push her hair out her face.

"hey it's okay... maybe she needed a second to breath. " you said and cup her face

she sighs and relaxes a bit against your hand

"i have a lot to talk to you about. " Isabela said

"anything bad?" you ask

"um.. not like i don't want to be with you. just something that happened when you was gone" she said

you nod a bit nervous. you kiss her head and she looks up. she pecks your lips as to reassure you that it's you two against the world.

"i love you " you whisper in her ear

"i love you too" she said smiling.

{skip to building the house }

you smile as you watch Isabela planting with her sisters. you walk over and hug her from behind. she jumps.

"you look so beautiful right now " you say

she relaxes hearing your voice and leans back against you.

"aw poor mariano" you hear Mirabel mumble

you and Isabela watch her walk to Mariano and introduce him to Dolores.

"they make a cute couple" you said

Isabela turn to you and smile.

"and now i don't have to worry about him. it's just me and you " Isabela said.

you peck her lips.

"i'm happy i got you. " you said

"i'll be back amor. we have a present for Mirabel" she said

you nod and watch her. you see the madrigals give Mirabel the door knob. the moment she puts it on it seems like the miracle is restored. you smile as you see Isabela smile.

"come on let's celebrate" Mirabel said

everyone in town goes inside. you make your way to Isabela who creates new plants all around.

"someone is happy to get their gift back" you said smiling

"oh yes i am" she said and pulls you close to her with a vine.

you couldn't help but chuckle.

"hi" you said looking into her brown eyes

"hi" she whispers and wraps her arms around your neck

"dance with me?" you ask

"of course. you are my favorite dance partner" she said

"favorite and only" you said pulling her closer to you.

she giggles and nods.

"only one" she quickly pecks your lips.

she drags you to the dance floor. you two dance in sync and you can't help but smile at how happy she is. you know she can express herself through dance. after dancing for a bit you two sneak up to her room.

"i want to talk" she said the moment she closes the door.

"is it something bad?" you ask

"kind of.." she said and you both sit on her bed.

you hold her hand and look at her.

"i won't be mad about anything from when i was gone.. if you did anything with Mariano.." you start to say

"eww no nothing like that. " Isabela said with disgust at that thought

"okay sorry. i won't assume anything and let you talk. " you said and kiss her hand

"so... before you left we.. you know. " she starts

you nod knowing what she meant.

"well i wasn't feeling well about 2 months later. i didn't know why so i took a pregnancy test. I was pregnant... i was happy. i thought about running away to the states to be with you. you know so we can have a family.. but for about 2 weeks i was having constant stress for having to find a new suitor. having to go on all these dates. i wasn't eating properly because abuela noticed the weight gain and said i needed to lose weight. I.. i felt sick so i went to the bathroom and there was so much blood... i lost the baby. i'm so sorry" she starts to cry really hard.

You are so shocked. you hold her tight while having to register what she told you. you rub her back lovingly.

"i got you mi amor. it's not your fault. sometimes things like this happen. I don't blame you for any of it. i'm sorry i wasn't here for you. I should have been. I should have kept in touch better. I'm sorry you was grieving alone. I'm here now and even though our baby isn't here. i love them. we still have a baby but they are just waiting for us in heaven. " you said and don't notice you are crying until isabela looks at you and wipes your tears.

you wipe her tears also and gently kiss her head then peck her lips. you two find comfort in each other's arms for the rest of the night.

señor perfecto (isabela x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now