6.two can play that game

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Your last words echo in your head as you return to encanto.
"i'll be back after my classes.. I promise. I love you Isabela Madrigal" The first time you utter the words is the morning you leave.

"I love you too."Isabela starts to cry

you sigh. it took almost a year and you are back. you head into town and everything looks the same. except you came back because your mother fell terribly ill. you head home and see your father in the front.

"Mijo.. welcome home. come come your mami is waiting for you. " your dad said

you give him a quick hug and head inside.

"my angel" your mom says weak

you rush to her bedside and hold her hand. you kiss her forehead.

"hola mami" you said

"I'm sorry for everything. i'm sorry for forcing you with Isabela. I'm sorry for forcing you to be a doctor.. for making you feel not good enough" she apologizes

"it's okay mami i forgive you. did you want me to be a doctor because you're sick? " you ask

she nods

"it was selfish of me. i thought you'd be able to cure me before i got to this stage" she said

"no if you told me i wouldn't care to be anything but a doctor. " you said and kiss her hand

you look at the medical notes the doctor who was seeing her left for you. you read them over and go over her medications. you do this for a good 2 hours. you take your mother's vitals and nod to yourself.

"well anything ?" your dad ask

"i'm going to add a medication. it should help with the nausea and help with the fatigue" you said 

"i'll go get it. " you said

you get ready to go in town and your dad grabs your arm

"i think there is something you should know before going into town.." you dad said

he explains how your tia went and told Alma about you after you left. she called off the engagement and set Isabela up with your old friend Mariano. she's set to marry him. your eyes widen and you don't know what to do.

"i'm sorry. " he said

you force a smile

"it's okay"

you rush out and don't know what to think. your head is racing with all these thoughts. you can't worry about Isabela. your mom is sick. you force yourself to push the feelings away and head to the pharmacy. you get the medication you need after explaining the amount you need. you walk out and your heart aches when you catch sight of the dark skin hazel eyed beauty that you love.

"Bella" you whisper.

she is laughing next to her abuela and you look down. she looks happy but you know it's fake. you could tell her real laugh to her fake one even her fake smile. you hurry home hoping she doesn't see you. though your ruana is noticeable since its blue.

you sigh and go home

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you sigh and go home. you can feel eyes on you and think it's isabela.

"(n/n) " she said under her breath as she sees your ruana.

she sees the side of your face and her heart aches. she doesn't want to marry Mariano she wants you. those handsome (eye color) eyes haunts her every night she closes her eyes. her hand craves to hold yours. she still has the anklet on.

"Isabela.. " Alma said

"yes abuela?" she said

"do you need to see your mami? you look unwell. " Alma said seeing the girl showing sadness

"oh uh si.. sorry" she apologized.

Tonight can't be ruined because she's upset. she had to go help with Antonio's ceremony. maybe she will see you tonight hopefully.

while Isabela is thinking of you, you are trying to keep her off your mind. you are monitoring your mom and Your dad walks in. your mom is sleeping.

"(y/n)... tonight is Antonio's ceremony. i know you was excited about it. why don't you go tonight? i'll stay with your mami. " he said

"I'd rather stay here"

"you mean you'd rather not see Isabela. " he said

"how could i watch the love of my life be with another? she is doing what she has to do for her family. she isn't being her true self either. she hates pink and purple. she loves to paint. she loves her hair up in a bun. she's... Bella the girl who loves me. " you sigh.

your dad hugs you and you cry a bit.

"i think you should still go." he said

"i think i will just to drop off Antonio's gift. " you said

you sigh and go get ready. you look in a mirror and fix your hair. you grab two gift bags. one is the toys for Antonio and the other is a bag of clothes for Isabela since she wanted clothes from the states.

you head to casita nervous. you see Camilo in the front greeting people.

"Milo" you said

"(y/n) hey" the shapeshifter said

he turns into you and give you a hug. then he shifts back and smiles at you until he realizes you aren't with Isabela and frowns.

"i just came to drop off something for Antonio" you tell him.

"ob okay... you can give it to my papi" he tells you

you nod and go inside. you hear the music and really want to dance but only with Isabela. you see Julieta and she smiles sadly at you.

"hola señora Julieta... i uh just came by to drop things off. here's a bag for Isa and here's for the birthday boy. " you smile small handing her the bags

"are you not staying? .. i know it would mean a lot to tonito. he talks about you a lot. " Julieta said

"uh.. okay. but after i see him I'm leaving." you said

she nods and gives your hand a small squeeze before she leaves. you get a drink  and then you see her. your imperfect princess Isabela Madrigal. she's giving out flower crowns and dancing around. you two lock eyes. oh Isabela can't she see you crave her so much.

you see Mariano walk over to her and stick out his hand. she glances at you before she takes his hand and they dance. they don't have chemistry on the dance floor like you two. a girl walks over to you.

"hey (y/n) it's me Giselle.. i was wondering.." she starts

"let's dance. " you interrupt.

"two can play at that game" you think to yourself. you grab her hand and take her on the dance floor.

sure you and giselle don't have chemistry but at least she can dance unlike Mariano. you make sure you have your hands on her body. Isabela notices this and glares.

"two can play at that game" she thinks to herself.

she pulls Mariano close knowing you are glancing. She kisses Mariano shocking both you and Mariano. she never kissed him. she catches you walk off and she then feels like she fucked up.

"excuse me " she said to Mariano.

she tries to go after you but she sees Alma there by the door talking with people. she can't leave without causing problems with her abuela.

señor perfecto (isabela x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now