Chapter Twenty-Seven: We Will Rock You

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While everyone charged at each other, Malak turned to his demon and apologized for leaving him. "According to Seth, I did the walk of shame which is hurtful. I would like you to know I was not ashamed, and I am sorry for making you worry," he said. "I left to go to Hell, because I realized what Alexander was and I thought Lucifer could help. And he did, but it was not fair to you to leave like that. I promise you I will never leave your side again unless you know where I am."

The small being held up his pinky causing Zion to softly chuckle before wrapping his pinky around his. "You better not," he replied playfully.

A few spirits tried to attack the pair, but Malak wasn't done talking to his demon yet. Using his telekinesis, the spirits flew backward just far enough for Malak to grab his mate and fly into the air. His actions shocked the demon, though he quickly recovered, releasing his wings as well.

"I must tell you something before we join." Zion frowned slightly, unable to think of what his angel would say. "Your father talked with me and said he wanted to help. He feels bad but believed you would not listen to him until he showed you he is sorry. So, he is down there fighting. I promise you; he will not bother you until you are ready to talk with him. He knows he was in the wrong."

The demon smiled slightly, causing the angel to smile back at him. Zion never wanted to forgive his father. Though seeing his father try to make amends was a bit heart-warming. The demon kind of wanted to talk to him, despite still feeling betrayed. For now, they had to fight so talking would have to come later. Which maybe was a good thing since he would probably verbally explode in anger at his father. Not that he didn't deserve it but it was probably best to be civil, and fighting could help get those feelings out so he could have a proper conversation with his father.

He gently kissed his angel, before leaning his forehead on his mate's and whispering, "Thank you, Angel."

"We should help now," Malak stating, biting his lip. "But afterward, when we are safe, if it is okay with you, I would like to have intercourse again. I promise I will not do the walk of shame."

Zion laughed, not expecting that out of his angel. Though his mate was part demon, his sex drive most likely increased after they connected their bond. "We should probably get this over then real fast."

Ellette did not do violence. However, her soulmate was fighting and the fae had to protect her. Not that Madison needed much protecting. She may be a lower-level witch, but she knew how to banish spirits. She even gave Ellette some tools to help banish spirits as well – after giving her a small rant about how she could protect herself and the fae shouldn't have left her. Together the pair managed to banish at least fifty or more spirits without sustaining any major injuries.

Kemuel, Zion's father, also managed to banish a few spirits. However, he could only do so by using his dagger or talking to the spirits and helping them break their tie to the horseman. Due to this, he sustained a couple of major injuries to his ribs, head, and arm. But he managed to ignore the pain and continued on for his son.

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