#1: Luke

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"How's school?"
Luke turned his head towards Ashton, a disbelieving look on his face. Ash knew how school was- not easy. It was hard for Luke to make friends, because he was a complete wallflower. Nobody noticed him. It wasn't like he was bullied, of course not, he had enough friends to earn respect from his classmates, but he was a shy lad that did well in school. Sometimes he wished he was Ashton. Ashton always seemed so popular, and had plenty of girls vying for his attention. Luke often asked his best friend if he would ever hook up with one of the said girls, but Ashton just laughed and said he wasn't ready for a girlfriend yet, and he would rather spend time with his mates, if he was honest. Luke didn't really understand, but then, he would never understand the boy lying next to him on Luke's bed, because Luke never understood why Ashton bothered with him, the wallflower. But conversation flowed easily, and little by little, Luke had started to come out of his shell to Ashton. Ashton was pleased by this, and was glad the fragile boy had began to open up to someone. He could see that Luke was awkward in conversation and was mostly just left alone. Most people didn't even bother to get to know him well. Once Luke started opening up to Ashton, the older boy saw his funny and kind personality, heard his sassy remarks, and understood the different expressions he used, when he was confused, angry, excited- Ashton understood his best friend well. He knew Luke wanted to be different and he knew Luke hated school. Nobody else noticed.

This was because Luke was very good at pretending. He pretended he was fine at school, he pretended he was fine with school at home, he pretended to his parents he was some kind of social butterfly. In fact, he was so good at pretending, he didn't even have to try any more. It was like he was living as a different person. The only person he seemed to be able to be his true self with, was Ashton. They had a casual banter that put Luke at ease, and he stopped pretending. Just for Ashton.

Luke sighed. "As always," he answered Ashton's earlier question, grimacing at the thought of school.
"I wish you'd make friends..."
"Ash, I'm fine."
"But you're not."
"Ashton!" Luke let out an exasperated noise. "I don't want to talk about it."
"Ok." Ashton knew when he crossed the line, and he never wanted to upset his best friend.
"Hey Luke?"
"What's your favourite colour again?"
Luke sat up on the bed, turning to face Ashton. "Why do you ask?"
Ashton just shrugged. "I forgot."
"Some best friend you are..." Luke muttered playfully.
Ashton lightly punched his arm. "Hey!"
"Joking, joking. Well, my favourite colour's green, but I also like lilac."
"What? I'm pretty sure you said green and red last time?"
Luke narrows his eyes. "If you knew, why did you ask?"
"You change it all the time!"
"Is that not allowed?"
Ashton raised his hands in surrender. "I just thought a favourite colour is kept the same!"
"Well, mine isn't." Luke retorted.

Luke realised he overreacted, but he had good reason to do so. You see, his favourite colour constantly changed. Well, not when he was younger. His favourite colour was green, but he liked brown too.
"Brown?" All the children said. "How boring!"
But the adults just smiled to themselves and looked fondly at little Luke.

<3 <3 <3

The first time this happened was at the start of primary, when everyone sat in a large circle shape. The teacher asked each child to introduce themselves, and to say a fact about them, like their favourite colour, or their favourite game, etc, etc. When it was Luke's turn, he nervously introduced himself, then stated his favourite colours. The children couldn't believe Luke could like such a boring colour, but the teacher looked at the little boy with a knowing smile, and Luke knew something was up. He was smart, even then.

So, that night, he went home and asked his mother about it. At first, she looked surprised. None of her children had started the partner process this early before! But never the less, she began to explain the partners to her son.
"Every person has a soulmate. Just one, which is your designated partner, and the one you will probably marry, and grow old with. Partners are chosen before you are even born, and that person is like the other half of you."
"Like you and Daddy?"
"Yes, like me and daddy. The process starts with simple feelings, your favourite colour or name, something really really small, is affected. Then, when you get older, sometimes you see another person, you maybe have never met before in your life, in your head. Then, you hear their thoughts. All kinds of things."
"I don't know, sweetheart. But every process is special to the pairing."
"Oh. So who's my partner, then?"
"I don't know. That's what you find out."

<3 <3 <3

Years and years went by, and Luke's favourite colours were still green and brown. But then it started to change. Every few weeks, brown changed to pink, to green, to red, all different colours. He didn't know why. He asked his mum again, he wondered if she knew. She simply told him that she hadn't had that, and it would all sort out. Deep inside, Liz was worried for her son. She wanted him to find the perfect girl, his girl. It didn't even occur to her that he might not get a girl, but a boy instead.

<3 <3 <3

A week before his conversation with Ashton on his bed, Luke was sitting, bored in a long and uninteresting history lesson, when he started to daydream. This wasn't an unusual occupancy for Luke, as he generally got good marks without trying, and although he was studious, he did become bored, like any other teenage boy. As he began to daydream, a boy that looked a similar age to him popped into his imagination. The boy had lilac hair- obviously dyed- sticking up in all directions, and bright green eyes that suited him so well. He was slim, with pale skin, and the kind of expression that said he didn't take shit from anybody. Luke thought back to his conversation with his mum, and wondered if this guy was his partner, but he pushed it to the back of his mind. No, he wasn't gay, he doesn't like guys like that! Luke was sure this was just his imagination playing tricks on him, so he tried hard to concentrate on his lesson. But the boy just wouldn't leave, taunting him all the time. As if school wasn't hard enough!

<3 <3 <3

"Luke, LUKE!" Ashton yelled to get his best friend's attention.
"What, Ash?" Luke realised he had been silent as he thought over his situation. Truth is, the boy- whom he hadn't named yet- had been the only thing he thought about for the past week. Luke was scared; scared he was into boys, scared to disappoint his parents because he was into boys and therefore wouldn't have any children; scared to be judged. He thought about telling Ashton about it. Ashton was wise beyond his years, he surely wouldn't judge Luke and would give him the best advice... Wouldn't he? A small voice in the back of his head countered that. Ashton would never want to see him again afterwards. He'd be disgusted. Luke pushed the voice away. Ashton was his best friend, Luke could never lose him.
So he went for it.
Luke sat up, his face serious. Ashton was concerned for his best friend. "Luke, what's up?"
"If I tell you something, you promise you won't judge me." Luke's eyes held such fear.
"Luke, of course! I would never judge you."
"And you won't tell a soul?"
They linked pinkies to seal the deal.
Luke took a deep breath. "It's to do with the pairing process... I, um, I keep seeing this boy, and I don't know why."
Ashton frowned. "A boy? What does he look like?"
"He's quite tall, around our age, I think. Um, green eyes, lilac hair, pale skin-"
"Wait, green eyes, lilac hair, like, dyed hair?"
"Well, yeah."
"As in your favourite colours?"
Luke thought it over. "Yeah, I guess, I never thought of that."
Ashton smiled, which made Luke smile too because that smile was infectious. "Well, he's your designated partner then, isn't he? I'm so happy for you!"
"But I'm not gay, Ash!"
Ashton shrugged. "Perhaps you're bi."
"But I don't like boys like that!"
"Luke, you've never met a dude that you would fancy. All the guys at school are little shits."
Luke laughed. "You're right."
"I'm always right."
Luke rolled his eyes. "Always modest, aren't you?"
Ashton laughed with good humour. "Anyway, it's ok, I won't judge."
"But my mum..."
"Your mum won't care, Luke. She just wants you to be happy."
"She really wants grand kids."
"And? I'm sure you can adopt!"
Luke smiled at his best friend. Ashton always knew how to cheer him up. "Thanks Ash."
"No problem." He checked his phone. "Got to go, Mum's nearly done cooking dinner."
"Alright." Luke walked Ashton to the door, and waved his friend off.
"It's gonna be ok." He told himself firmly as he walked back to his room.

Hey! First chapter is up, hope you like it. Picture of Ashton and Luke at the top because their friendship is cute <3. Thanks!

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